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I couldnt get the feeling of her lips pressed against mine out of my head. I kept touching my lips, hers were so soft. I loved the way i felt after she kissed me. It was like my heart stopped inside of my chest. It was like the entire world just stopped for a moment, and i loved it.

"Answer your phone." I said as i paced the floor. I had been trying to call Avery for the past hour and she wasnt answering. I was getting worried.

"Dude, she will be fine. Just chill." Jc said as he watched me closely. "She will come back tomorrow. She just wants to be alone right now, give her space." He tried to calm my nerves, but it wasnt working. I was going to worry about her until i knew she was safe. "I will have everyone message her and ask if shes okay. I think you need to stop because shes not going to answer you." I nodded as i laid my phone down. I took a deep breath as i walked to the couch. "Just relax." He said before he started up the stairs. I nodded and took another deep breath.

"She will be fine. She just needs time." I said to myself in efforts to calm myself down, but it wasnt working. "When she gets back, kiss her. Dont make her feel like you dont want her or you dont wanna be with her. Make her know that you spilled your feelings for her, and no one else." I nodded as I relaxed into the couch. "Everything will be okay. Just give her time. She needs time." i closed my eyes. My stomach was still tangled in knots and my heart was beating, but i needed one minute of silence.


I woke up on the couch, the house was completely silent. I had a blanket laid over me and thats how i knew Avery was home. I darted upstairs. "Avery?" I said as i busted into her room. She was sitting by the window as she watched the world outside. "Look at me." She didnt move but that didnt stop me. I pulled her up off the ground gently, she finally brought her eyes to meet mine. "I love you. You are the girl. You are my girl." I smiled before my lips crashed onto hers.

She pulled away with a look of shock plastered onto her face. She crashed her lips back onto mine within an instant. I smiled in the middle of the kiss as i held her body close to mine. "Im sorry i ran off." She apologized as she wrapped her arms aroundmy waist, she held herself away from from my chest. "I thought maybe you were talking about Fran, so thats why you looked surprised when i kissed you. I didnt know how to react, so i just left. " Her eyes fell to our feet.

"It's okay." I lifted her face to where her eyes met mine. "I do love you and i always have. i have always wanted you, and i wish i wouldve told you sooner. We couldve had years in our realtionship instead of seconds." I partially frowned as she ran the pad of her thumb over my cheek. "I will never put anyone or anything over you. You are my princess from now on. I am going to show you all the love, that i have been hiding." She smiled as she pulled herself closer to me. "Everything will be perfect." I smiled at her as i kissed the top of her head.

"I cant wait to see what the future for us." She said as she rubbed my back. "I hate to ruin the moment, but I am tired. I got in about an hour ago. " I picked her up and laid her in her bed. "You can lay with me." She said as she moved over to where i would have room. I crawled i behind her as i wrapped my body around hers.  I wasnt tired not even close, but i would give anything up to have her wrapped in my arms. She was everything i wanted and i had to show her that.


I was in my room filming a video for my main channel, I hadnt done that in a while. I have been so busy with Kian and Jc, and everything else. My life had been hectic and messy, but i was trying to fix that.  "Hey guys, it has been a while. If you are new to this channel, I am Kian Lawley. If you are not new to this channel, I am still Kian Lawley." I smiled at the camera. "Today i am going to do a simple Q&A. I want you guys to catch up on the time ive missed. Things have changed." I smiled again before i pulled my phone out.

"Question one: How have you been?" i awkwardly smiled. "Not even going to lie, I have been a mess. I have been super stressed, super depressed, and not well dressed." I looked down at my clothes and made an awkward sound. "Question two: How are you and Meredith?" I laughed without realizing. "Sorry, that was mean. Um, we dont talk anymore. I have moved on and im happy." I smiled at the camera as i thought of Avery. "Question three: What's the most important thing in your life?" I smiled as i thought of Avery once again. "Hold on, and I will show you." I walked out of the room.

"Avery! I need you for a video." I said as i walked into ther room. "This is important." She groaned as she turned around.

"Film in here, I am doing my makeup." I nodded as i ran and got my camera.

"This is going to be so much editing." I said as i set up my tripod. "We had to change spots because someone likes being difficult." I said i looked at Avery. "But to answer the question, the most important thing in my life is Avery Lynn." I turned the camera to her as she blushed.

"Question four: what are your future plans?" I sighed as I took deep thought into this one. "I wanna live life to its fullest. I wanna be happy. I wanna marry my best friend." I looked down at Avery as she smiled at me through the mirror.  "Question five: Avery Lynn, will you go out with me?" She slowly turned around as she pulled herself off the ground. She hugged me really tight and left kisses all over my face. "I will take that as a yes." She nodded before she hugged me one last time. "You heard it here folks, Avery Lynn is mine." She plopped down on my lap with a large smile on her face.

God bless, I love you.

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