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I loved her. I really did love her. I love how she always groaned and stretched her body out whenever she woke up. I love how she always takes care of me. I love how she always plays with my hair until i fall asleep. I love how she smiles constantly even when shes trying to be mad. I love how she knew exactly how to react in every single situation. I love her hair, her eyes, her smile, her everything. I looked over for the hundredth time in the last five minutes. I couldnt help but admire her. She was perfect. When i looked over she was sound asleep, i smiled. I slowly pulled myself up off the couch, making sure that i wasnt going to wake her.

"Kian?" She groaned as she slowly started to pull her self up off the couch. She was so tired and her voice was raspy.

"Let's get you to bed." I said as i lifted her up off the couch. She held her body close to mine, and my heart started to race. I wonder if she could hear it.

"Thank you." She mumbled as she moved closer to my chest. I carefully made my way around the house. I didnt want to hurt her, so i made sure i was careful.

"Sleep good." I laid her down gently in her bed. "I love you." I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. I pulled the covers over her body, making sure she was tucked in.

"I love you." She mumbled as she readjusted herself. "Lay with me." She said as she softly patted the beside her.

"I will later," I kissed her forehead again. "I promise." She nodded as she closed her eyes. I smiled before i left the room.


After i watched two more movies my eye lids were becoming heavy. I looked at the clock it was only midnight. I yawned as i stretched out across the couch. I heard movement coming down the stairs which immediately pulled my attention to them. "Hey dude." Jc nodded as he jogged to the fridge. "What are you doing?" He asked as he made his way into the living room.

"Watching these movies." He nodded as he plopped down on the opposite couch. "Do you need something?" I asked as i propped myself up on my elbows.

"Actually, I do need to talk to you." He looked sad, and upset. I mean you could tell that something was picking at his brain. "What would you do if someone in this house liked you?" I was confused, was that seriously what he needed to talk to me about? "Like what would do if Fran liked you?" My eyes grew wide.

"I love Franny, I do. She is one of my closet friends, but I like someone else. " Jc raised his eyebrow. "I dont wanna seem rude or mean, but I have really fallen hard for this girl." I smiled when I thought about Avery.

"Who is it?" He asked eagerly. He pulled himself to the edge of his seat like he was watching a suspenseful movie. I shrugged, I didnt want him telling her. "Dude, please tell me." He turned his head to the side just a little bit.

"You have to promise me that you wont say a word to anyone. You and Bobby will be the only ones to know, please dont make me regret telling you. " He nodded."I really like Avery. I have really liked her for a long time, but i have never been able to tell her. " Jc smiled. "I dont think she likes me that way. I seriously think she only thinks of me as a best friend. It is actually heartbreaking because I am always with her. We are always side by side. The reason it hurts me is because I have all these cute momenst with her but shes not mine. I hold her in my arms, kiss her, and sleep next to her most nights. She doesnt feel the same way and it hurts." Jc frowned.

"Maybe you should just tell her how you feel. " Jc encouraged me. "Everyone in this house wants you and her to date. You all would be super cute because you actually care for each other. You all are always together and you are always so happy. " I smiled. "Give it a try." I nodded. "It may just work." He pulled himself off the couch.

"Thank you." He nodded to me. I smiled knwoing there might be a small chance with her.


I woke up on the couch and I instantly felt bad. I promised Avery I would lay with her but I crashed her. I was just so tired and I thought I could make it but obviously not. "Good morning." Avery said as she plopped down on the couch. "Did you sleep good?" She asked as she wrapped a blanket around her legs.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out quickly. "I didn't mean to break my promise. I really thought I was going to, I didn't think I would fall asleep. I was just tired and I didn't even realize that I was falling asleep." She half laughed.

"Kian, it's okay. " she grabbed my hand inside of hers. It fit inside of mine perfectly. "I came down here last night to check on you. I covered you up and kissed your head. I knew you were tired, I'm not mad." She shot me a bright smile.  "I love you." I couldn't help but smile when those words spilled from her lips.

"I love you too." I sighed deeply. It's time to tell her. "We need to talk. " she had a moment of worry come over but she nodded. "I have li-" everyone in the house came running down the steps. Avery jerked her attention to them.

"Swimming." They all yelled as we laughed. Jc ran over to Avery and picked her up.

"You need to have fun." He said as they continued running outside.

"Kian! Save me!" Avery screamed. She hated being thrown in the pool, it scared her. She hated the way it felt. She said she hated the idea of being scared or shocked before you fall into water.

I ran after her. Jc was teasing her, he kept pretending he was going to throw her in the pool. "Jc! Dude, don't!" He smirked before he didn't it one last time. I shot him a mean glare before he pulled her away from the edge of the pool, I nodded.

"I wanna swim." Avery said as she walked towards me. I pulled my shirt off and I dropped my pants. "What are you doing?" She asked as her eyes trailed my body.

"Swimming." I ran and jumped into the pool. "Get in." I said as I wiped the water away from my eyes. She pulled her clothes off, awkwardly. She made her way into the pool and she instantly swam next to me.

You're perfect.

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