Together Always (jelsa fan-fic)

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"That was fun Elsa" Anna said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah it was" I giggled.

"Well its good to have you back Elsa." Anna said pulling me into a hug.

"Its good to have your back too Anna" I said hugging her back tightly.

"Hey Anna!" Kristoff shouted to Anna and Anna turned to the direction of Kristoff and said "we meet again huh?" Anna smirked.

"Yeah...." kristoff gave and fake laugh.

Anna ran from the main gate of the castle and gave Kristoff a big hug. Kristoff was shocked for a moment and gave a big smile and hugged Anna back.

"Hey guys!" Olaf said while waving his stick hand. "Hey why dont I ever get hugs?" Olaf said with puppy dog eyes while pouting his bottom lip.

Me, Anna and Kristoff looked at Olaf and pulled him to a big bear hug. "Yay! Hugs!" Olaf said with a big smile on his face.

"Well it's time to go to bed" I said with my hands on my hip. "Awww" Olaf, Anna and Kristoff said in sync.

" That means I will not see Kristoff anymore." Anna said "Well you can see him tomorrow".

"But I will miss him. Can we at least talk in my bedroom for a few minutes?" Anna said with puppy dog eyes.


"Please?" Anna said pouting her bottom lip and holding her hands together.


"Yay!" Anna took hold of Kristoff's hand and run towards her bedroom yelling " I love you Elsa".

" I love you too Anna."

Then the door shuts. "Those lovebirds" I said smiling and made my way to my bedroom.

I closed the door and decided to play with my powers. *creak...* the window opened. "Jack is that you?" I walked towards the window. Suddenly there was a figure infront of me. "Ahhhh!" I screamed.

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