Chapter 13

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~End Of The Winter Ball~

Everybody were leaving the ballroom and the servants were cleaning up the place.

"Hey Elsa do you want to have a walk with me?" Jack asked


"you know to enjoy the cold winter breeze and talk" he smiled.

" okay."


"okay so what do you want to talk about?"i look at him and he was looking down at the ground.

"Elsa if i tell you this please don't get upset." he said turning his back towards me.

"what is it?" i felt a little bit worried about what he is going to say to me.

"Elsa I can't be with you anymore."

"what? Why?"

"I just can't. I need to go."

"tell me why before you go."

"I can't tell you why." he satrted to fly but i stopped him.

"But you said that we would be together always." Tears started forming in my eyes.

"I know I said that Elsa but now I can't." and he flew off.

"Jack please." i said softly and tears started flowing down my cheeks. I sat on the snow crying and hugged my legs. "what am i gonna do now?" i cried even harder.

~at the castle of Arendelle~

I walked to my dark room and lock the door. I lean against the door and slide down. And cried to myself.

"Elsa? I heard crying in your room are you crying?" Anna was outside the door talking to me.

"I'm fine Anna I just had a runny nose." I said sniffing my nose.

"okay if you're sick take some medication will ya."

"okay Anna." i said wiping my tears away.

"Well Well what do we have here?" A figure came out of the corner of my room with his fingers touching and giving a smile with teeth.

"What do you want Pitch?" i sad not looking at him.

"WHat do you think my Queen?"

"I'm saying for the last time i am not your queen" i felt alittle angry.

"Then who's queen are you? Jack Frost?" he said pointing north.

"Yes!" I said standing up looking at him.

"Well then." He put a finger on my chin and his face up close.

"You better give me your ice powers little Elsa." 

"Why should i give it to you?" i gave him and stern face.

"Because..." he remove his finger from my chin and walked towards the opposite direction.

"If you don't.." He turn and face my and gave a figure of Jack lying down with his darkness.

"Jack will be gone forever." He crush the darkness with his palm.

"No!" i said charging at him.

He disappeared. I stopped and he appeared behind me.

"i will give you till tomorrow to decide." he walked backwards and disappeared into the darkness.

I went to my bed curled up crying to myself.

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