Chapter 25

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~back at Arendelle~

"What?!?" Anna exclaimed. "He don't remember you? How did this happen?" Anna sat on the couch next to me in the room with the fireplace.

"Yes its beacuse I hit him with ice when I was fighting Pitch. It all my fault Anna I should not have agreed to let Pitch take my powers." I look down and closed my eyes.

"It's Okay Elsa you didn't want that to happen you did this beacuse you are trying to protect Jack. Don''t blame yourself." Anna put her hand on my shoulder assuring me.

"Thanks Anna right now The only thing I want to do now is to get Jack to remember me and our relationship.



I was flying in the air with my staff on my shoulder when Elsa came out of the room.

I stopped flying and stood on the ground.

"Oh you're here. Let's go." Elsa said looking at me smiling.

" go where?" I gave her a confused.

"I'm am going to bring you to places to help you remember."


"Let's go." Elsa pulled me out of the main gate.

She looks tired I should help her I thought to myself as I saw her running with her heels. I fly forward, standing on my staff flying and carried Elsa in my arms.

"Hey what are you do..." Elsa questioned me while I carried her.

"Would you rather fly or run?" I smirked.

I look at her "Why are you blushing?"

"er nothing just...nevermind." She put her hand on her rosy cheek.

"so where do we go?"

"to the forest." She pointed the direction of the forest.

"Okay." I smile at her and flew as fast as I can.


I landed to a place that have a lake. there were grass and trees. I put Elsa on the ground and she ran towards the lake. The moment she step on the lake, ice started spreading until the whole lake was ice. Shen then made a snowball and shot it to the sky and made snow everywhere.

"That is pretty impressive Snow." I walk towards her and smiled.

She smiled and gave me a weird look. "what did you call me? DId you ust called me Snow?" She walked closer to me.

"I guess." I scratch the back of my head.

She smiled and pulled me onto the ice.

"Do your thing Jack." she said letting go of my hand.

"do what? skate?" 

"What do you think?" She change her shoes to ice skates and started skating around with her hands on her back.

"Ok." I started skating around then I had an Idea. I will throw snowballs to make it more fun while she is not looking of course.


As I started skating, I felt really happy that Jack remembers what he used to call me and I had this happy feeling.

Suddenly, someone threw a snowball on my face and I lost balance and started falling backwards.

"Gotcha" Someone caught me from behind. I wipe away he snow on my face and saw Jack. He help me up.

"What was that for?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Just Having some fun." 

I put my hands behind my back and made a snowball and threw it at Jack. 

He dodge it . "I knew you would take revenge " He smirked.

"Well how would you know?" I made another snowball behind me.

"I'm the winter spirit remember?" 

I threw the snowball at him again and it landed on half of his face

"So you wanna play huh?" 

"well yea your center is fun and you started it first." 

"well is never going to end." He said and we started throwing snowballs at each other.

Credits: Sam Tsui check out his channel on youtube ;)

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