Chapter 23

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" The good news is that Jack only remembers the three of us but does not remember you and it may be hard for him to love you again."

Tears formed in my eyes but it did not come out as t turned into ice when it was formed.

"Why is it so cold in here?" bunny opened the door into my room.

"Sorry" I said trying to get the tears out of my eyes.

"Sorry if i disturb you, Jack wanted to talk to Elsa."Jack walk in the room behind Bunny.

"ok we will leave you two alone." North stood up and made his way to the door and went out of the room with Bunny.Jack sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey you are Elsa right?" Jack put his staff on the floor. I hugged my knees and did not answer him.

"Hey I know in the past we were all lovey-dovey but I can't remember and I'm really sorry."

I cried silently not wanting him to worry.

"Hey don't ignore me like that. I know you are feeling very bad right now and I..."

"no you don't know how I'm feeling right now you lied to me you said that we would always be together and you lied." I cut him off with tears rolling down my cheeks turning into ice.

Jack made a ice rose from his hands with frost pattern on it.

"Well I don't know what I say to you in the past but I will try hard for the past me to come back. Will you wait for me?" He hand the ice rose to me.

"I will wait for you Jack." I wiped away the tears and took the rose and hugged Jack tightly.

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