Chapter 12

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I was on Jack's back when we flew. we landed on  place with snow all around.

"Hey why are we here? aren't we suppose to go back to my ice castle?" I said getting down from Jack's back.

"We are but first i'm going to teach you something" he walk around me with his staff on his shoulder.

"Okay what are you going to teach me?" i put my hand on my hip while looking at him.

He stopped walking and look at me while leaning on his staff " I'm ging to teach you how to control your powers of course."

"how are you going to do that?"  

" you need to control by being clam and forget all your problems."

"But I have alot of problems" I was very worried and to step back.

"that's why you have to face it." Jack step closer to me.

"Stop don't come near me I'm afraid that i am going to hurt" I put my hand out in defence.

he come closer to me "you don't have to be afraid when i'm here." 

"I say STAY BACK!" i shot ice out of my hand.

Jack look at me with a worried look.

"I..I did'nt mean it. I told you to stay back. I'm a monster." I ran away from him.


I stopped running and sat on the snow hugging my legs and started crying.

There was someone standing infront of me.

"Don't cry Elsa." I look up and saw Jack standing infront of me. He made a glass rose with his hand.

"Here have a rose." he said with a smile.

"Thank you." I smiled back and taking the rose.

He put his hand out and pull me up to my feet. Jack keep staring at me.

"what are you doing?"

"oh nothing. just staring at you."

"Okay I will be going right now." Ibegan to walk aay and he threw a snowball at my head.

"Hey what was that for?" i said with a stern face and my hands on my hip.

"well sometimes you just got to have some fun Elsa. you know, loosen up a bit." He smirk.

"okay if you say so." i made a snowball and got ready to hit Jack.

"Uh oh" he look at me. "your not gonna do that." He smirked.

"Oh yes i am." I threw the snowball at him and he dodge it.

"Is that all you got?" he said laughing while holding his tummy. I threw a snowball aat his face.

"Ha! In your face Jack Frost." i said laughing.

I saw Jack Making a snowball trying to throw at me and i ran as fast as my legs could carry me but of course Jack can fly so he flew and landed on top of me with ours faces inches apart.

He look into my eyes "do you know that you have pretty eyes?" I blushed and turn my eyes avoiding his eyes. His face became closer to me and our lips touched. I was shocked at first but closed my eyes and enjoyed this moment.


~At the ice castle~

"Here you are ice queen." Jack put me down on the ground inside my ice castle.

"now i'm going to teach you one more thing"

"what's that?" 

"i'm going to teach you how to remove the snow."

Jack taught me how yo remove the snow.

"I really did it!" i said excitedly.

"Well i got to go" He turned back.

"go? Go where?"

Jack did not reply me and flew away.

"Will i not see you ever again?" 

Anna walked through the door of my ice castle.

"Hello Anna." I smiled at her with my hand on the railing.

"Wow Elsa did you make this castle?" She said in amazement.

I giggled "Yes i did Anna."

"This is great But you have to come home with me." 


“You have made Arendelle in snow."

"oh that is terrible. we better go." i went to Arendelle with Anna.


I remove te snow away but still felt unhappy.

"What's wrong Elsa?” Olaf stood infront of me.

"Its nothing Olaf."

"come on elsa you can tell me what's wrong."

"well i met this guy."

"Oh my gosh Elsa spill it now." Anna said with a excited face.

"There's nothing to spill. He helped me while i was in the ice castle. Now his gone i wish i know where he was."i I said looking down.

"Aww you do care." Said a voice behind me.

“Jack?” i said turning back.

I saw Jack and ran towards him and hugged him." its good to have you back."

Jack hugged me bsck and said " you know people can't see me right?"

I let go of him. "oh i forgot."

"Um Elsa? who are you talking to?" Anna said with a wierd face.

" you know the fairy tale about Jack Frost?" 

"Yea the book mother always read to us about?"

"yea and his real."

"he is? where?" 

Jack stood beside me.

"is that him? the one beside you?"

"yes his is him."

"his is real. Elsa you must be happy."


"your favourite character is real."

"so i'm your favourite character huh?" Jack elbowed me.

i looked down at the floor and blushed.

~End of Flashback~

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