Chapter 22

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I was trapped inside Pitch when Elsa was fighting Pitch. I could see everything and felt pain when Elsa shot ice at Pitch but she did great. I found the source of her powers and took it so Pitch would not use it against Elsa.

I used her powers to get out of Pitch's body. Then put the source onto Pitch's hand. 


 After that kiss when I got my powers. I couldn't remember anything that just happen. I dont know why A girl was kissing me and stuff. I was just standing there with four other people and a statue of ice.

"Jack, Bring me back to Arendelle." A girl dress in a blue dress with snowflake patterns on it and has platinum blode hair was hugging me. wow this girl is so beautiful I thought to myself.

I push the girl away from me ."Sorry but May I know who you guys are?" The four of them very shocked.

"You don't remember us? Not even Elsa?" A flying fairy was talking to me with worried eyes and with her hand clenched into fists on her chest.



Jack doesn't remember me? I felt crushed. What happened? why doesn't he remember me? I felt dizzy and fainted.

I woke up in my ice castle on my bed made of ice. The atmosphere was very cold And i was alone i the room. I curled up on my bed and cried to myself but the tears turned to ice droplets.

Suddenly someone opened the door and I stopped crying and sat up wiping away the tears that did not turn to ice.

The person that came in my room was North. He sat on the nearby chair.

"Elsa I know what you been through was hard on you."

"Why didn't he remember any of us?"

"Well we asked Man in the moon what happen. He showed us that he was actually trapped in Pitch's body and his memories was messed up when u turned Pitch into ice."

"What? Its all my fault." I said crying harder.

"Don't be too hard on yourself you didn't want this." He assured me putting his hand on my shoulder."

I stopped crying and look up at North. "Well he be able to remember?"

"Well I have good news and bad news. And it ain't pretty."

"Let's hear it." I don't think i'm strong enough to hear the outcome of the good news and the bad news. But I would help Jack remember in any way.

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