Chapter 21

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Both me and Jack look what's behind me.

It was North, Bunny and Tooth. When we saw them, I quickly stood up and Jack followed.

"Way to ruined the atmosphere guys." Jack said as he stood up with his warm hand on my waist and I giggled and blushed.

"Well we are sorry mate, but it was too awkward for us to see you two kissing right infront of us." Bunny said.

"Ho Ho Ho. Well this fellow turned into ice. Well Elsa did you get back your powers?" North said with his hand on Pitch's head.

"Oh i almost forgot!" I turned around and kissed Jack. He was shocked at first then he kissed me back and he started to feel cold.

"Well this is awkward." Said Bunny.

"That is so sweet." Tooth said.

I let go and handed the staff back to Jack. I walk up to Pitch that is still a ice statue. "how do I get my powers back?" I ask North.

"You will need to know where he put it first."

"How will I know that?"

"You will know Elsa." North gave me a smile.

I walked around the statue and saw something shining on Pitch's hand.

"its that it? the source of my powers?"I look at North.

"do u think it is?"

I was alittle pissed when North refuse to tell me whether it was the source of my powers.

in my thoughts, I didn't care I just wanted to have my powers back. so I touch it and everything became very bright and I found myself starting to feel cold again.

I went back to reality and lost my balance.

"Gotcha." Jack caught me from falling to the ground.

"Nice catch." I said smiling at him.

"wow I caught a Elsa." He smirked.

"hey, I'm not a pokemon." I said while Jack help me stand on my feet. And he smiled.

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