6 - A Surprise Visit

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"Don't forgive me as a 'master!' I'm not your master. I don't want to be. I want to be your friend."


"Really?" Kuga said softly.


"Thank goodness... I am so happy right now you have no idea..."


"Promise you'll call me 'Kuga,' ok?"

"... I promise."

And so the two stayed in that position for a few minutes, each thinking the same thing, Thank goodness.


In Senzaimon's Office
No one's POV

"So she's here, huh?" A voice asked. The aura was very serious, dangerous even.

"Well she did say that she would be here for two years. You were there." Senzaimon said in a loud voice.

"Well, I guess you're right." The voice replied. "Say," it began, "let me see her. I need to talk to her."


"Is she busy? I can come back at another time-"

"Oh no, no. We just finished the ceremony for the 2nd years, so I'll call her right now."

"O-ok. Thank you." The voice said calmly.

~Where Nakoni and Kuga Are~

A small buzz can be heard in the air. Both Nakoni and Kuga raised an eyebrow before realizing that the sound came from Nakoni's phone. Kuga reluctantly let his hug go as Nakoni opened a text.

From: Director Senzaimon
Come to the office. Someone is here to see you.

Kuga let out a small whine as Nakoni replied with an, "I understand. I will be there shortly."

"Do you have to go?" Kuga said childishly.

"Yes Ma - Kuga, I have to go. It's the director's command."

"Awwww... I guess I'll see you later then?"


The former first seat and the current third seat helped each other up before saying their goodbyes. Nakoni began walking towards the Director's office, which is luckily not to far from her current location. Someone... Who can it possibly be...?

Timeskip to When She Arrived

"Director, I'm here." Nakoni's voice came out from behind the large doors of the office. She walked inside only to find her eyes widen.

"Well hello, Eishi." She said amusedly.

"Hi, Nakoni-chan."

"I'll leave you too alone." Senzaimon said.

"No, no. Eishi and I are going to take a little walk."

"Very well."

Nakoni grabbed Eishi's hand before running out of the office. The director smiled to himself.

"Ah young love."

Timeskip to A Random Path
Nakoni's POV

"So Nakoni-chan, how are you?" Eishi said shyly.

Man, have I missed this guy. We haven't seen each other in months!

"Everything's fine. You?"

"Ah-me? I'm good."

"So, why did you come here?"

Eishi looked down at the ground and didn't say a word. Did I say anything wrong? I thought.

"Eishi?" I looked at me worridly.

"I guess I just wanted to talk to you... It has been a while, you know," came the reply.

"That's true."


"... So what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, uh, I'm on break for a couple of months, so I was wondering if you can, you know, tutor me..."


"I mean if that's alright with you! I don't want to be a bother..."

I really do miss this guy. He has completely different confidence levels between cooking and normal life. "It's fine. I can teach you a few things, too."

"Really? Are you sure I won't bother you?"

"Yes, yes, now go back to where you're staying now. I need to prepare for my class."



Written at: July 5, 2017
Published At: July 8, 2017
Edited: No

Sorry this one is short! I'll be making a longer one in the next chapter so... Yeah...

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