9 - Face Her, Rival Her, Tell Her

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"The Legendary, yet not well known Three Year Streak." Eishi explained monotonously. "I also find it hard to believe that you wouldn't say that to your classes."

Nakoni took a deep breath. "You guys catch me on everything I do and don't do." She sighed. "I'll let the knowledge on people who actually find it on their own. Besides, help is provided to those who look for it. You two would know that."

"I guess so." They both said.


~A few weeks later~

"Remember to come to class in a standard chef outfit! That's to all of you!" Nakoni yelled over the crowd as they began to file out of the classroom. It had been a week since the schoolyear started and her next planned lesson is about dress.

A few minutes later, Eishi walked in lazily. He ran his hands in his hair and looked sleepily at Nakoni.

"What happened to you? It looks like you haven't slept in days!" Nakoni said.

"I was pretty busy with paperwork and all that. I didn't sleep at all last night."

"I guess that means we don't cook today."


"But nothing. You don't have enough skills to cook while your asleep you know."

"I can try."

"No no, you learn how to do that when you're awake. It doesn't make sense but trust me, it's the only way."

"Ok then."

Nakoni sighed. "But seriously, paperwork is a pain. I thought I escaped that 3 years ago but I guess not."


"Hey, Nakoni-chan?"


"I need advice on something."

A cheeky smirk crept up on Nakoni's gace as she turned her body to completely face Eishi's. "I'm guessing this is what you've been losing sleep on?"

"Wha - how - how did you know?"

"I've known you for how long now? Four, five years? I think I would know you by now."

Eishi could feel his face heat up a bit.

"So, who is it?"


"Who is the lucky girl?"

"I never said anything about girls..."

"Is it Rindou?"

Eishi's face exploded in blushes. He started stuttering and covered his face with his hands. "N-no! I mean, R-Rindou is nice and all, but- it's not her! I promise!"

Nakoni held in a laugh. "Come on, you can tell me."

"I really can't..."

The girl let out her laugh, softer than both of them would have expected it to be. "Well, Eishi, whoever this mystery lady that has caught your heart is, make sure that you don't force her into anything, ok?"

Eishi sheepishly nodded.

~Flashback to Eishi's Second Year~
~Eishi's POV~

"This isn't good enough!"

I yelled to myself as beads of sweat tricked down the side of my face. I had been cooking for about three hours now, and somehow the results didn't seem to get better. "I'll never be able to be with her now..."

"Eishi-kun?" A voice asked. I turned around in surprise to see Rindou walking towards me. Her face seemed so... Different. She looked tired but happy but mad at the same time. "What are you doing here at 1 in the morning?" She asked.

"It's nothing. I was just this dish. Something seems off about it."

"It's your dish though, Eishi-kun. If anything's wrong about it it's probably because you didn't put yourself into that dish."

"No, it's actually the flavor that's bugging me."

Rindou's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before they raised. "Ohhh."

"..." Eishi looked down in slight shame. I can't face her at this rate, he thought. Where did I go wrong?

"You know, you already know what to do, you're just too stubborn to do it." Rindou said with a giggle.

"Wha-" Eishi looked up to face an empty classroom. He looked left and right before sighing heavily and sitting down. I guess she's right, he thought, I can't rival a legend, after all.


Written At: 07/29 and 08/04/2017
Published At: 08/05/2017
Edited: No

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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