1 - The Last Meeting

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A ring on Isshiki Satoshi's phone caused him to stop from his field work. It was the first time in a while when he got to work outside in fundoshi, considering they had to take down Nakamura Azami, the previous director. After a long and intense battle with the new Elite Ten, the rebels have successfully beaten them.

Satoshi opened his phone and saw a text from Tsukasa Eishi. That's stange, he thought. Tsukasa-senpai doesn't text me about anything except Elite Council work, and I'm not it in anymore.

The text said, "Senzaimon said for the original Elite Ten of this year to report in his office for a meeting. It will be at 3:30 this afternoon. Do not be late." Satoshi hummed before getting another text from his senpai. It read, "I mean it would be fine for me if your late, don't hurt yourself or else you might go to the hospital and then you might die and then.." The text went on and on and Satoshi looked at the time. Geez, it's already 2:57? I need to get ready. And so he goes back into the dorm to prepare for his meeting.


Isshiki gracefully walked to Senzaimon's office, which was slightly open. He looked around to see the director with a shadow covering his face, his arms crossed together. He was the sixth Elite member there. Kinokuni Nene, Akanegakubo Momo, Somei Saito, Megishima Tosuke, and Nakiri Erina stood around the room quitly, waiting for the meeting to begin.

After a few minutes, Etsuya Eizan, Terunori Kuga, Tsukasa Eishi, and Kobayashi Rindou entered the room. After Rindou closed the door, the tension thickened. It was so thick, you could cut it with a butter knife. Glares were sent out every other second. Seeing everyone has arrived, the director coughed, successfully gaining everyone's attention.

"I thank you for coming here today on such a short notice." He started, "As everyone here knows, the rise and fall of Azami has taken a great toll on the academy." He paused for a second, giving Erina the chance to glare at the council members who sided with her father.

"However," he continued, "That is the past now. This council is created through talent, not opinion. Which is why I have summoned you here today."

Even though half of the council still held a small grudge over the other half, everyone agreed with this statement. The power of the Elite Ten Council came from the fact that they has extraordinary skill, not from the fact that they desired power.

In a brief second, the members remembered the moment they were told that they would be in the council. That moment shock, disbelief, and then the fame and glory that followed soon after it.

"Those who have been in the council in previous years may know that this meeting is about the selection of the next Elite Ten." Several heads nodded. "However, seeing as opinions, rivalries, and time will get in the way, I have appointed someone to do the job for you."

The council members were stunned. Who had this much power and could earn this much respect from the director?

"Are there any objections?" Senzaimon asked.

Eizan quietly raised his hand. He looked around, only to see that he was the only one. "Tch" was all that came out of his mouth.

"Very well." The door swung open, revealing a young girl in the standard high school uniform. She smirked slightly before the director stood up and proclaimed, "This is the one who will be deciding the future council."

Gasps of schock and surprise filled the room. Everyone had completely turned their bodies around to look at the girl. She looked like a teenager. She had long, wavy dark purple hair that reached her hips. Her skin tone was about the same as Erina, and she had a quite curvy body. Her emerald green eyes bore into the council's.

"It can't be... I thought you were..." Eishi whispered to himself.

"You're..." Satoshi and Erina began.

Kuga was breathing loudly and his heart was beating frantically. He took a step back before tripping and falling to the floor. His eyes were unnaturally wide, and a drop of sweat ran down his face.

The girl said nothing as her smirk widened a little more. She let out a small, quiet giggle. It sounded cheerful yet dangerous at the same time.

A few seconds passed by before two words were heard from her lips.

"I'm back."


Written On: June 29, 2017
Published On: July 1, 2017
Edited: Yes

This marks the end of my first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Don't look for the girls name in this chapter because it will be revealed in the next one. Idk how this will end yet, but hopefully it'll be good.

I'll try to update every Friday.

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