The betrayl that led to Forks

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The feel of betrayal ripped my heart. It hurt when I caught Annabeth cheating on with my new half brother. Kindle Heath. He was raised with the upper class. Once he found out that I was legendary and his half brother he began to spread rumors and lies about me.
One by one camp turned on me. Even my friends who are supposed to know me the most. Annabeth was even staying away from me. I was gone the past two weeks greeting Athenas blessing for marriage. She made me get six apples of immortality by myself. The gods can't even do that they have to have someone to help them to survive. I actually got seven instead of six. I kept the extra in a secret compartment in my travel bag. I gave them to her. I was in a okay state. I was very tired and I have burns.
She smiled and handed me the ring. I went back to camp and saw everyone cheering on Annabeth and Kindle kissing. Then Dad said that kindle was his favorite son. I was then disowned. I ran taking the travel bag. I ran from camp and my moms and Paul's apartment. The only thing was police is there with fire truck, ambulances and the building was on fire.
I ran but was stopped by a police officer.
"What's your name son?" The officer asked.
"Percy Jackson. My mom and stepdad lived here. I just came back from camping." I said looking at the apartments.
"What floor were they on?" He asked.
"Third." I said looking at a three story apartment complex.
"Sorry son the third floor was completely engulfed before we got here. Come with me." He said. I followed them wanting to cry. He took me to the station. He started typing on the computer.
"What's your full name?" He asked.
"Perseus Charlie Jackson." I said.
He typed on the computer.
"Well Mr. Jackson you have an Uncle in Forks Washington. He's your mothers half brother. I'll call him up." He said. I just sat down by the desk.
"Yes hello. I am with the NYPD. My name is Officer Jim Paul I called because your Half sister and husband has died in a apartment fire. Her son was out camping during the time and needs to live with a relative until he turns 18. And I'm sorry to say your the only one he has left." The officer said.
"He will met you there." The officer said. He hung the phone up.
I just nod and walked out of the building. I was met with Hestia and Apollo.
"Mi lord and Lady." I said strained.
"Perseus." They said. Hestia hugged me.
"Sorry Percy. You don't deserve what happened to you." She said.
"The camp seems to say so. My own father disowned. Me. My parents were killed. And I went on a quest to get Athenas blessing to marry Annabeth. Six golden apples later I'm broke all the way around." I said a tear sled down my face. They looked sad and alarmed.
"Wait she made you get six golden apples when you saved Olympus twice, went to Tartarus for her own daughter. And you actually completed it." Apollo said.
I just nodded. He touched my forehead and I felt burning pain. I just closed my eyes and clench my teeth. Soon the pain disappeared I open my eyes. And I give Apollo are you serious look. He just shrugged. Hestia gave me a hug. And I felt warm. I had more tears running down my face.
Apollo handed me a car remote, a I phone and a gold card.
"The card has unlimited money. The phone is Monster proof, and the monsters can't track you through it. And just press the button on the remote and think of the vehicle you want." Apollo said. I nod my head solemnly.
"Go to your uncles. It's a new life there." Hestia said.
I nod. I walk to the alley and clicking the button. A motorcycle and a helmet appeared.

I got on and put on the helmet

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I got on and put on the helmet. I started driving to Forks Washington. When I took a stop I checked my phone and saw Charlie's number, Bella number and their house number.
I texted Charlie.
Hi Charlie it's Percy your nephew. I was told to drive to you. Well I'll be there in another hour. Thank you for taking me in. means a lot to me.
I texted him. In five minutes I got a response.
Percy I'm sorry for your loss. I'm getting your room ready at the moment. Be safe.
I put my phone away. I started back in the road. I passed 'welcome to Forks' sign. I pulled up to the house where I can barley remember from when my mom took me here when I was little. I got off as I had parked by a old truck and sheriff car. I took my helmet off. I stood at a towering height of 6'4. My head is 8 inches smaller than the top of the door frame. I knocked thinking of what I remember when I knocked on moms door when I came home from war after my sixteenth birthday. I was brought out of my memories when Charlie kept calling my name.
"Sorry Charlie stuck in memories." I whispered. He let me in.
"It's okay do you have any bags of cloths?" He asked.
"No I lost them in the fire. I only had a change of cloths." I said. He nodded.
"Dad who was at the door?" Bella called.
"Come and see." Charlie called.
Bella came through the door from the kitchen. She stopped and stared at me.
"Bella this is your cousin and my nephew Percy Jackson. He used to come and visit with his mother when he was younger. Ugh he is going to be living here also. Percy why don't you tell about yourself." Charlie said lightly.
"Um I had turned seventeen two months ago. I had worked at a camp for ADHD kids who also had Dyslexia. I have those to and went to it when I was twelve. I was kidnapped twice. The first time when I was twelve and the next time when I was fifteen. I had missed a year of school because of it but I also learned to defend myself because of them. I don't have a good school record. I would be blamed for things that I was just in a wrong place at. I love swimming and the color blue. I was coming from the camp after I quit because of employees started blaming things and tried to get me fired. I camped for the night. And I came to the apartment complex. It was surrounded by police, firefighters, and ambulances. People covered in ash. It turned out that by the time they got there the third floor was fully engulfed in fire. And I was told there was no possibility that they could've survived. I was told to drive here and an apology about the death of my parents. My mom told me she was pregnant. Not only did I lose my mother and the best stepdad I could ask for but I lost an unborn baby sister. I was going to be a brother and now I'm broken because I lost my family but I also lost my friends because they believed in lies, and I lost my girlfriend that I was going to propose to until I saw her cheating with my younger half brother from my fathers side." I said. Looking sad. They were shocked to say the least.
"That must be horrible for you to live through." Bella said.
"That what happens in NewYork. People go missing. They reappear a year later more broken then before you were taken. When I was kidnapped at the age of fifteen. I spent that year in a old cell. Being tortured for information. They were terrorist. They wanted to know about my father that I claimed to be dead because he was lost at sea before I was born. He lost his right to call me his son when I was forced to fight his affairs on my own since the age of twelve. Then shows up out of no where with his other son who was born in the rich upper class. Telling lies about me in the camp I work at. I led the activities and I lost everything. I want a new start. And the officers told me I would get that here." I said looking up with broken eyes.
"So you want to go to school and finish it." Charlie asked.
I nodded.
"I'm going to go shopping tomorrow as I need cloths and a haircut." I said. He nodded.
Bella smiled.
"You can meet my friends. I only just started going there last month." Bella said.
I give a small smile but it turned to a grimace.
"I set the basement up for you. And we only have one bathroom sorry about that." Charlie said.
"No that's fine. I grew up in run down apartments and a camp ground that has a shared public Toilet and showers." I said.
They give a small sad smile. I get up.
"I'm going to bed it was a long drive here." I said. They nodded. I walked down the steps to see a blue comforter bed. I took off the jacket, shirt and pants. I laid down and fell deep into nightmares.

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