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I went to school. The first classes were okay with a lot of students whispering about me. When I go to math I was happy I handed my work in on a separate piece of paper I had it in Greek. When class was over Mr. Fleming came to me and smile.
"That homework is spot on. Congratulations." He said handing me a paper with a red A on it. I smiled brightly. I thanked him. And put it in my bag. I went to my locker and changed binders. My next class is Art. I walked to the next building.  The bell rang and I entered the class. The Cullen's joined me. We were painting a critical point  in our life.
I painted:

When the teacher asked what was the critical point in my life I said;"The most critical point t was getting away from my second kidnapping

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When the teacher asked what was the critical point in my life I said;
"The most critical point t was getting away from my second kidnapping. She was my girlfriend. We were kidnapped while going out to eat. We were chained to a wall and I was tortured and she had to watch. It was critical that I get her out. So when I finally got us out we weren't the same. I used to be childish. Care free. But when you get tortured for a year, get whipped, burned, poisoned, electrocuted and drowned. You lose the child like mind. You grow up with the nightmares you endured. They never go away. It's like I relive it. That's my critical point. It's the point I grew up. I think of others before myself. I don't want other people to feel what I felt. To grow up abused. With a loving hard working mother. Only to be orphaned when you come home two months after I came home from a kidnapping. Where my teachers give up on you because of a past that haters put together. Where haters make sure you don't have a future. That's mine." I said. I grab my things and left the room. The rest of the classes went on. After school I got on the bike and put on my helmet. I sped off. I went to the house and changed into shorts and a under armor. I went on a run I was hit from the side. I flew to the air. And something went threw the stomach. I stood up. A red hair woman stood in front of me. I took out Riptide. We fought and I lost a lot of blood. But I won and she burn and is now dust. I stumbled back to the house. Charlie just came home.
"C-Charlie." I said. He looked at me. I was hold my stomach by the stick. My shirt covered in blood. He ran towards me talking to the walkie talkie. Black spots entered my vision. Soon more people in suits came and took me to the hospital.  They started surgery soon I was laying in bed with an oxygen mask Charlie came in with Bella. I looked at them tiredly.
"Percy what happened. I know you couldn't have fallen on that. Were you attacked?" Charlie asked. I looked at Bella and looked at Charlie. The monitor started going haywire. Black dots dance in my eyes. Doctors run it and check my eyes.
Bella is crying out for me. I close my eyes and imagine everyone that I'm leaving. Why I should stay alive. I open my eyes in determination. The monitor starts going to normal.  Charlie and Bella came right in and to the chair.
"Sorry I don't remember what happened. Just that I called for you." I whispered.
"Ima going to sleep." I whisper and close my eyes. I see images of my life. I beg it to stop. When I wake up I was pushed down. I try to get up only to be pushed down.
"Perseus calm down." A doctor said.
I started thrashing. They stab me with something my body started feeling heavy. And I blacked out.
"Why is he strapped down." I heard  Bella ask.
"He woke up a couple hours ago from night terrors. He started thrashing and screaming. We had to sedate him. He ugh hurt a nurse pretty bad." A doctors voice said.
"Will he be alright?" I think Billy said.
"Well by the scares he has on every inch of his body that and he was stab through and through with a stick in his stomach. He had multiple bruising he is lucky to be alive." The Doctor said.
I open my eyes
"Ah Perseus can you tell me how you are feeling?" The Doctor asked. I looked to see Billy, Jacob, and Bella.
"I feel like I was played like a rag doll. Then set on fire." I say tiredly. They chuckled.
"Can I talk to them?" I asked. The doctor nodded and left. I snapped my fingers and the cameras are covered. I studied Jacob. His hair is short.
"You shifted." I said. Jacob narrowed his eyes me.
But was stopped by Billy.
"I knew when I came into the land. I can feel it's history.  I was attacked by Victoria, James mate. The one I killed saving Bella in Phoenix. She was out on revenge. I killed her but she through me onto a stick. I didn't have energy to heal myself." I said.
"But your Human." Jacob sniffed.
I let out a chuckle ten I cough.
"Like you I'm not all human." I said.
"Then what are you. Your not cold one. And your not a shifter." Jacob asked.
"If I say it will go against my people's laws. I will be sentenced to death and you and everyone else who knows will be hunted down and killed. And if I died the world will be also." I said quietly. I snapped and the restraint disappear. I put my hand over my wound. My hand glows and I am healed. I sit up.
"What do you mean if you die the world dies also." Jacob asked.
"There is more than what meets the eye." I say. I stand up. The doctor walks In. I'm checked out and released. Charlie comes and I hug him with tears. He cries.

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