La Push

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I rode on my motorcycle following Charlie and Bella that are in the cruiser. I pulled in and turned it off and kicked down the kick stand. I take off the helmet and put it on the handle bar. A lot of male teens stare at the bike. Then looked at me. My hands wrapped.
Charlie walked over and gave me a small side hug.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah just which I can punch the man. Technically if he throw the first punch you technically can't hold me back. Because it's self defense." I grumbled. He chuckled and patted my back.
He gave me this look.
"Hey I spent years in being blamed I mine as well learn the laws." I said. He stares me to a guy in a wheel chair.
"Billy remember Percy my sisters Son?" Charlie asked.
"This is stick scrawny Percy?" Billy said.
"Okay I'm getting offended. I thought I was pretty muscular." I said flexing my muscles.
Billy laughed.
"How have you been doing. Sorry for your loss." Billy said.
"I'm trying to move. I would've had a baby sister. My girl friend that I was going to propose on the same day cheated on me with my half brother. It just hit to hard. Moving in with Charlie helped me little by little. Except that Hover Dam of a principal." I said angry at the end. He gave me a sympathy look. I shake my head. I sit on a log every one was looking at me. Billy rolled up in the middle front around the campfire.
"This is Percy Jackson. He is the chiefs nephew. He lived in New York. He lives with Charlie." Billy introduced. I waved.
"What happened to your hands?" A young boy asked.
"I was being harassed by the principal and I flipped him off rode home and beat the sand out of my punching bag." I said. 
"Oh" the boy said nodding.
Charlie was talking to Billy about what I told him. How I taught self defense and weapons at camp.
"Jacob! Come fight Percy. No serious injuries. Just try to make the other call Uncle." Billy called. Jacob nodded. I got up and to a clear patch. Jacob stood in front of me. I bowed my head and stood in position. He just got in position. Billy called go. Jacob ran at me. I dodged and slapped the back of his head. He growled. I narrowed my eyes. My arms started to shake. I grabbed it and took a deep breath. I can see some narrow their eyes at me. Jacob came at me. He threw punches. I blocked. I threw a punch to the stomach he flew back and hit a tree. I stood shocked.
"Jacob are you okay?" I called as I jogged to him. He gave a thumbs up.
"I yield" he said with a wheeze. I helped him up. I pat his back. I help him walk back to the fire. They stared at me wide eyed.
"I may have imagined him as my principal." I said sheepishly. Charlie chuckled.
"Of course you would." Charlie said.
"Hey at least I got it out of the system. I would've punched him if I saw him tomorrow. It will just be one more school I'll be kicked out of." I said.
"How many schools have you been kicked out of?" A boy asked.
"11. This is my twelfth school. I've been to 5 boarding school for delinquents and and now seven public schools including Forks." I answered.
"What did you do?" A parent asked.
"Apparently I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In first grade we had a field trip to an aquarium and I was told to pull a lever. I have dyslexia so I couldn't read well and I had bullies so I pulled a lever I thought was it. And my class took a swim with the sharks. Then next school we went to the Saratoga battlefield and the tour guide told me to pull the string and act like I shoot a cannon. He promised the teacher it was not loaded and well it shot a cannon ball and it totaled the school bus. We had transfers from Canada and we were in the gym. One was smoking and didn't put it out and the gym caught on fire and they ran and blamed it on me. And well got expelled. I was labeled trouble maker and stupid. All schools treated me the same. Except this one. The teacher are actually trying to help me. The student are not trying to get me in trouble. But I got the same trashy attitude of a principal that's about to taste a knuckle sandwich." I said.
They looked at me shocked.
"But Principal Downing is nice." Bella asked.
"Yea? He disrespected me my mom who raised me the best with a fricken drunk abusive gambling step dad for the eight years of my life before that jerk disappeared. Then to cry because I was kidnapped several time. He discussed me as if I don't deserve to finish my education. He discussed my past out loud with everyone listing to it with out my permission. If I'm not wrong that is Harassment and violation of student privacy." I growled out. I got up and head to my bike and hoped on. I put my helmet on and sped off. I went to the house. Turned it off and went in to my room. I went to sleep. 

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