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With my running outfit:

I went out into the forest for a run

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I went out into the forest for a run. I was running listening to music. When I felt a punch. I was thrown into the ground. I look up to see new born's. I fought back the beat I could. I keep fighting but I was stabbed in the stomach. My right shoulder and arm is broken. I killed them all. Only adding a broken ankle. I dragged myself against the tree. I called Charlie.
"What's going on Percy." Charlie said.
"Charlie I-I need s-some help here. I was taking a-a run. Attack." Said wincing trying to get up.
"Where are you at? How hurt are you?" Charlie asked.
"I have broken right shoulder, right arm, right ankle, and maybe some ribs. Also I was stabbed in the stomach. It was a group. Dressed all in black with masks. They fled left me to die. *cough* I was down the trail I couldn't hear them. I had earphones in. *cough attack*" I lost feeling and dropped the phone.
"Percy! We are on our way. Hold on." I heard Charlie call.
With my left arm I put pressure on my wound. I wince at the movement. I heard yelling and dog barking. I lightly close my eyes part way. When they came into the clearing and saw me they sprinted over to me.
"Percy come on." I heard Charlie say worried.
I open my eyes a little.
"It's harder then it looks. I started loosing feeling in my arm. And breathing is getting harder by the minute." I coughed out. I had made myself look normal so no one would question. They quickly took me out of the woods. I can see my friends standing in the crowd. Plus their parents. I look over to them and see the pain and sadness. I healed the stab wound a little so it didn't hurt anything important. Just lost a little blood. The doors close and I was whisked away to the hospital. I healed a little of my ankle so it was just a small fracture.
When we got to the hospital they whisked me into testing to see what damage. The put a walking boot on my ankle, stitched my stomach, and a cast all the way from my hand over my shoulder half around my chest to my left side. I also have to wear a sling. They gave me pain medications and told me to sit and drink water for a while. And they will send in my visitors. I sit on the sit positioned bed and water. My friends, their parents, Charlie, Bella and the Blacks came into the room.
"Hi." I said quietly taking a swig of water.
"What happened?" Charlie demanded.
"I came home from the beach. I cleaned up and went for a run. I didn't hear them coming. I had earphones in. Next thing I know eight maybe nine people all in black with masks came in and started beating the crap out of me. I fought back but they were quick. They ganged up on me. They stabbed me and I only had two good limbs. I tried but I was getting dizzy and my limbs were getting numb. I used my energy to call. They left after I fell and couldn't stand back up and I was bleeding too much. I passed out as they left when I woke up was when I called. I was in so much pain, I couldn't stay awake the whole time." I said tears sprang from my eyes.
"What did they want from you?" Johnny asked.
"They wanted to know where the Cullen's went. They wanted to know where Bella went. They wanted to know if the Cullen's are coming back or not. They wanted me out of the way. I did my best to protect Bella. I protected Bella before she just can't remember what happened in the woods." I said looking up at the ceiling. The Black's looked at each other.
"Hey man it's alright your okay." Joe said.
"Yeah your right. This only happens when I take a run in the woods. So no more woods." I said frustrated.
"Hey! Hey." What's going on.
"I have ADHD. I can hardly move. I'm frustrated. And the way I get rid of that is if I run and think." I said tapping my fingers. The group sighed.
The doctor came and said I can go but no PE or over exerting activities and rest.
I nod and got up and wince. We all got out of the Hospital I look at Bella's truck and police car. I groan. Joe and Johnny laugh.
I give a small glare.
"Charlie, you should get a regular car not a cop car. There's too much memories for me in a police car." I said looking at it. Charlie laughed.
"Well Percy suck it up. This time you will be sitting in the front and not the back." He said in a condescending way.
"Hey it is not my fault I keep being the scapegoat. Everyone blames the kid with disabilities and bad childhood." I said walking to the car. I can here my friends laugh at me. I turn and stuck my tongue out at them. They laugh even more. I then got in the car as Charlie did and drove us home. I went to sleep.

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