The Salvatores

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I pulled up at the Salvatore boarding house. I had manage to put something cool on with changing the car to a motorcycle.

I walk to the door and knock

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I walk to the door and knock.
Damon opened the door with a beer in hand.
"Ah Damon Salvatore my name is Lord Perseus may I come in?" I ask. He slowly nods. I walked in.
"Are you drunk? You said Lord." Damon stated.
"No I don't drink that liquid. Yes I am a lord well one of them. I'm a Greek god of Supernaturals, loyalty, betrayal, heroes, swordsmanship, and selflessness. Supernatural's is the category you, your brother, those originals, werewolves, cold ones, shifters, even zombies fall into." I said.
"There's no such things of Zombies." He laughed.
I raised my eyebrow and raised a zombie. He feel to his but.
Stefan and Elena walked in. And saw the zombie.
"Why is there a man and a zombie in the living room?" Stefan asked.
"Ah Stefan the ripper nice to see you. I am Lord Perseus the Greek god of Supernaturals, loyalty, betrayal, heroes, swordsmanship, and selflessness. Your brother didn't believe zombies are real. So I raised one." I said. He nodded.
"So why are you here." Elena asked.
"Well Elena I'm here to make sure my pupils are not being reckless and killing to much humans. And well if they kill recklessly it gets me in a bind and well I have to kill the reckless. It can potential kill the race and cause me to go to war with ugh the other gods especially females." I said. Rubbing the back of my neck.
I look at Elena.
"If you are hanging out with a Supernaturals I don't want the secret out. If it does and it's from you it won't end well. But I will trust you that you keep it under wraps. If not it will come to me as a sign of betrayal." I said. I ran to the motorcycle and hop on. I start it and sped out and back to Forks.

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