A new Bella

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I took her shopping and Charlie was happy that Bella is actually trying to communicate with him. I told the pack that she does not know their secret nor about cold ones. Everything is going great. Bella moved on without a hiccup.
She got ready for school wearing this:

 She got ready for school wearing this:

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I wore this:

Bella rode with me in the bat-car

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Bella rode with me in the bat-car.

When we arrived I can see students looking at a car and whispering

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When we arrived I can see students looking at a car and whispering. There must be a new student. I parked and got out. The boys gasped at the car I brought. I went to the other side and open the door for Bella. She stepped out and gave me a hug and stepped to the side. I closed her door and we walked in with many whispers following us.
I see the new kid.
He wore:

We walk up to him

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We walk up to him.
"Hi, I'm Percy this is my cousin Bella. It's a pleasure to see new faces here." I said holding out a hand.
"Hi, my name is Johnathan but I go by John. Is there a reason why everyone keeps looking at me?" He asked nervous.
I give a chuckle.
"Well we don't get new students often. The last one was me at the beginning of the year. We both have long names my full name is Perseus Charlie Jackson. But I go by Percy." I said with a smile.
He smiled back.
"That is a long name. Do you know where the English class is?" He asked.
"Yeah I have the same class. I'll lead you. Just a warning you have to talk about your self." I said. He groaned.
I turned towards Bella and smile.
"I'll see you at lunch." I said. She smiled and left. I walked John and I to class. As I said he introduced him self.
"Hi I'm Johnathan Jennings I'm 18 years old. I like to go by John or Johnny. I live with me mum. Me dad died when I was six. I'm an only child my baby brother died in a drunk driving accident. With my father. He was four and was going to a doctors appointment at the time. I'm fluent in Spanish. I lived in Ohio my whole life and don't travel much. My mom had transferred to this towns police department." He said. He sat down by me. I give him a high five. We went to work on the assignment. However, I groan and hit my head to the book. John laughs at me and I give a baby glare.
"I hate English." I mutter.
"We all know you hate the English language Mr. Jackson. But it's a requirement. Try your best or ask Johnathan for help if need be." Our teacher said.
"Yeah sure I'll do that." I said in Greek.
I turn to Johnathan who looks confused.
"Greek is my first language. My father was from Greece and spoke in that tongue many times. English is my second language. I can speak English but I am dyslexic reading it. I can speak fluent Latin and Greek." I said. He gapped at me. I just smile and look at the book with a glare. I could read it easier when I was made god so I just work on it slowly. When the bell rang I jumped up grab my things and whoop in victory. I hand my paper to the teacher. I asked John what class he has. It turns out that he has the same schedule as me. We go to PE. We run a mile and play football. We then went to math. He started explaining what's going on. He then came to me and telling me what it says in English as I wrote in Greek what he said. I then started to work on it through out the bell. John did also getting his homework from English out of the way. We went to lunch. Bella, John and me joined Bella's old friends. We talk and laugh.
When school was over Bella, John and I walk out together. He stops when he sees the bat-car.
"That's...that's the bat-mobile." He says pointing at it.
"I know isn't it a beauty. I traded my bike for this." I said patting the hood.
"You traded a bike with a car from a movie?" He asked shocked. "How this must be expensive." He said checking it out.
"The bike was from my cousin. He is a doctor in New York where I was born. He travels to countries doing surgery. He had went missing earlier and I had went to New York when I got out of the coma. I had found him. He had this car and he wanted his bike back. So we traded." I said with a shrug.
"That's where you went. All dad told me is that your sorting out a problem." Bella said.
"It was a problem. My cousin was held hostage by some hand and got out. He was forced to fix the mans gun shot wound. He wanted a motorcycle so it is easier to travel and store with." I said.
"That actually makes since. It's easier to ship then this large one." John said.
I smiled and nodded.
"We should get home. Feel free to come over. I'm board most of the time. I usually run but since the accident Charlie hardly lets me alone." I said. He smiled and gave a bro hug and got into his car. We got in ours and we zoomed off to the house.

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