Chapter Fourty-One: Tag

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The grounds gave off an eerie aura as you walked them, silence loomed through the air. The only sound was that of the squish Bucky's boots made as he stomped through the wet grass. The yard was clear, beside the lone bunny hopping into the trees, there was no sign of life out there, it only added to the eerie nature.

"All clear, heading to first floor." Buck released the button on his ear piece, using his other hand to gasp a firm grip onto the shield. The door swung open slowly as he stepped into the building. -Roof clear, heading to top floor- Sam buzzed into his ear. The main hall was huge, you never seemed to get use to the size and look of the place. The wood molding that wrapped the walls gave the room an antique feel. The stairs, rounding the back of the room, were covered in a burgundy carpet that trailed throughout the hallways upstairs. After checking the kitchen, living room, game room, dining room, restrooms, and the few teacher quarters on the first floor Bucky headed back to the main hall to climb the stairs. They creeked slightly as his weight shifted onto each step, his flesh hand gliding over the mahogany railing while the other held the shield in front of him. The soldier's gaze snapped up as the sound of footsteps caught his attention down the hall. "Anyone present on second floor? Copy?" Silence, it wasn't a good sign. Buck whispered in a raspy voice, "I need backup. Footsteps on second floor." Slowly he made his way up the rest of the stairs, following the deep red rug as it lead him down one of the halls into the living quarters for the students. -Copy that. I'm headed to then second floor.- Nat finally eased his nerves...well...kind of.

A rustle sound echoed from one of the rooms at the end of the hallway. Around the corner footsteps sounded and Bucky held up his shield, ready to attack. Just as he bucked up, Nat slowly turned the wall with her gun up and in hand. They nodded to one other and Nat nodded toward a doorway, the sound was coming from there. The two took each side of the door, eye to eye, ready to go in. With a nod Bucky kicked the door in and Nat held her gun up, rushing into the room. The assassin's eyes gazed over the room, the light blue walls bounced light right off them, causing a blinding light to attack. As her eyes adjusted she noticed a body laying on the bed. "Get in here," Nat pressed her ear piece, "Guys, second floor." Bucky walked into the room, his eyes landing directly at the bed. "WANDA!" He ran over to the bedside and placed a hand on her head, she was passed out. "Why is she here?" Nat watched, turning toward the door as Sam and Scott entered. "He is playing with us." Tony spoke as he pushed past the guys and over toward the bed. "She's alive...but why just give her back?" Sam crossed his arms in front of him, "How did he even manage to get his hands on her is what I would like to know." Natasha nodded, looking down at her friend, "He is strong." Tony chimed in, "Not stronger than her. He tricked her, he had to of. Wanda isn't weak." Nat smirked, "Be nice if you complimented us like that more." They shared a look, but neither of then followed up on it. "What now?" Scott anxiously stood by the door frame still. "Bring her home."

Back at the compound Wanda was placed in the lab, back on the bed so that Dr. Cho could examine her. After taking her temperature, her pulse rate, and her blood pressure she came to the conclusion that she must have been knocked out. No other signs were there. As she turned around the grab her folder the bed squeaked, but she didn't turn around. "You're going to have one hell of a headache." Helen turned around, but her eyes remained so fixated on the papers in front of her that she never noticed the change that was happening. Wanda's eyes flickered open, a deep yellow hue glazed over them. Blue scales flickered over her skin. "You're going to give James a heart attack one of these days, if that's even possible for him...Steve and him both amaze me." Finally she looked up, horror and confusion filled her eyes immediately. In front of her was no longer the Witch she came to know so well. In front of her was a slick redhead covered in blue scales. "Don't I amaze you?" Mystique smirked, raising her eyebrows. Helen stepped back slowly, "Aw, what's the matter? Am I not as interesting as a super soldier? Tsk tsk, that's in poor taste doctor." The woman stepped up and out of bed, Helen opened her mouth. Not in enough time though, a needle that sat on the bedstand was thrown directly at her, sticking into her neck. Helen gasped, her hands shaking as pain and numbness took over her body. Mystique flipped in the air, kicking a wheeled table at Helen, it knocked her to the ground. Quickly she fiddled her hands up to pull the needle out slowly and threw it to the floor. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. "What's the matter doc? Cats got your tounge?" Helen crawled across the floor, flinching as Mystic threw things at her. A tray, touchpad, beaker, even a chair. The game was over just as quickly it had begun. Mystique hopped over the counter an slander in front of the woman, "Now now, you have to take your medicine." Then she shoved a handful of different color and shaped pills into Helen's mouth and forced her to swallow. Tears streamed down her face as she lifted a finger up to try and puke them out. But the numbness in her neck wasn't letting it work. Mystique didn't say another word, she simply smirked and walked out of the room. The last thing Dr. Cho saw was a fuzzy bare blue was walking out of the room, her vision was fuzzy and blurry. Then, her head hit the floor.

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