Chapter Ten: Anywhere

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The cabin wasn't so worn down on the inside, there was some furniture scattered around. A living room that had a couch placed in front of a small fireplace that set into the wall slightly. The kitchen, although empty of food, was quaint. There was a bathroom but it looked as though no one had ever opened the door. A basement housed farming tools and a writing desk. There was two bedroom on the first floor, both had beds and nightstands upstairs was three rooms, one had bunkbeds, another had a large king bed, and the smallest was full of art supplies. "It doesn't look like anyone has ever loved here...yet the outside looks worn." T'challa watched the witch pick up a book from the floor. "Perhaps no one has. Whatever the reasoning, I think it feels safe." Wanda couldn't disagree. The house was warmer than outside, which has begun to chill with the wind in the day. "I'll take a room down near the basement stairs. There was some parchment and lead with the desk downstairs. I'd like to write..." Neither of them would admit it, but the sense of uselessness and lost that they felt was overbearing. Wanda nodded, I'll take the room near the art supplies. I like to paint." Who knew how long they would be there, but for now they both needed to be alone.

Inside the room she had claimed was a large four post bed, there was white sheets neatly laid out along it, as though never slept in. The window to her right was slightly cracked, but the curtains hung to cover it. A braided carpet sprawled out in the center of the room, the bed slightly on it. Although she didnt feel particularly tired, she decided to lay down. As sleep invaded her, her dreams swept in to occupy her and mind.

The room was familiar, it was her own. The scent of insense and paint filled her nose. Although it wasn't real, it felt like it. Parts of her were missing, it was obvious the moment she faded away. Things she couldn't quite grasp, memories that felt too far gone were fuzzy here. And for a moment, she thought she saw the sheets move.

Although the window wasn't open, Wanda felt her hair move in a breeze that past by. An odd sensation washed over her as she felt like maybe, just maybe, she wasn't alone.

Wanda woke up after dozing off, feeling almost like she was being watched. Loneliness and longing filled her soul yet she wasn't sure who is was for.

Along a beach Groot found himself playing with the white sand, mounding it up where it was damp and molding it into a mini Groot. "You are Groot." Peter was kicked up on a rock, staring at the sculpture the was too realistic. Then there was Bucky, leaning against the same rock and falling into his dreams.

It was like she was right there, the overwhelming feel of her presence hung above him like a heavy fog.

The room was familiar, it was her's. The scent of insense and paint filled his nose. Although it wasn't real, it felt like it. Bucky walked over toward her bed, his fingers strung across the guitar strings as he passed. The sheets were warm as he plopped onto them causing then to shuffle. Her scent filled the air and he smiled, feeling more at home then he had in a very long time.

The cool breeze that drifted through the cracked  window made Bucky open his eyes and look up at the ceiling. The light fixture was broken, an odd addition to the scene that felt wrong. A reminder none of this was real.

Wanda opened her eyes.

Bucky opened his eyes.

"James?" Wanda spoke softly, a memory filling her thoughts. Her bed back at The Avengers compound, the feeling of skin and metal. So familiar, yet so distant. It was almost fleeting, or at least she made it that way. Because she immediately sat up and walked out of the room. In the hall she stopped suddenly, a realization coming over her. Wanda couldn't conjure her magic.

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