Friends With Benefits

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DISCLAIMER: This is only suitable for readers who are 18 and above. Read at your own risk.

Prompt: James and Nadine as fuck buddies.


James Reid gets what he wants. Always.

Robert James Reid likes to sleep naked. That was one of the many things that Nadine knew about him that few other people did.

He likes to sleep naked, he's ticklish just behind his ear, and a good blow job will make his eyes roll back in his head in a way that's almost scary.

He snores when he's really tired, or when he sleeps on his back. He likes to sleep on the left side of the bed, but isn't terribly picky about it and has been known to sleep on top of or under anyone who happens to be in the bed with him. He can actually sleep almost anywhere, as long as he can stretch his legs out, but his favorite position is on his stomach with one arm under his head.

If he's sleeping with someone, he likes to be the spooner and not the spoonee, because someone breathing on his neck while he's trying to sleep irritates him.

Whether or not he wants to cuddle after sex depends on the kind of sex he had. If it was rough and wild, he usually wants to be left alone while he's coming down from it. If it was soft and sweet, he's fine with being held for a bit afterwards. And if he has no attachment whatsoever to the girl he's just fucked,which has happened on more than a few occasions, he most likely won't stick around long enough to come down from it.

If, however, he spends the night, which he sometimes does, he may at any time decide to wake up whoever he's with for another round. And one more round often leads to two or three more. His personal record for one weekend is 16 times between Friday night and Monday morning. He walked funny for a week afterward, but Nadine had never seen him so relaxed.

He can do things with his tongue that can make a girl scream, and prides himself on that fact. He can't get off from being ridden, unless he's almost there anyway, and he has a fascination with female asses that borders on obsession.

Nadine could name a million things about James that no one else really knew. Many of them, Nadine had learned from experience, and she hadn't shared those stories with her best friend, Yassi. She knows that Yassi will be against with whole idea of her and her co-star fucking.

She'd had one of those "experiences" last night, and her legs ached so bad, she'd barely been able to get out of bed. James hadn't, yet, bothered to get out of bed. He watched her as she crossed the room to her dresser, towel drying her hair. "I have to go see my mum, but you can hang out here until I get back if you want. I won't be long."

"All right," he said, and she heard the bed squeak as he moved.

"I just went to the store, so there's plenty to eat and I saved you some hot water if you need a shower. Oh, and you'll have to put your clothes in the dryer, because I didn't get a chance to yet."

"Right. Thanks."

She sighed, pulling a clean pair of knickers and a matching bra from the drawer. "Yassi might be popping in to tell me how the wedding plans are going, so make sure you're up and dressed soon."

"I'm already up," he said, and she heard the grin in his voice.

He had snuck up behind her as she spoke, and was now pressed against her back, wrapping his arms around her. "How soon do you have to leave?" he whispered against her ear.

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