Green Is For Jealousy?

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Tory's POV:
   I wake up to the sound of the beautiful birds chirping outside of my bedroom window. I turn my head to look at the clock beside me that said 10:39am. After yawning once more I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom. I'm especially happy because today I can take my sweet time getting ready since I don't have work.
   While thinking that, I hear my phone vibrate. As soon as I look at the screen I can't hold back the smile that crept up my face. Its John. He sent me a little morning paragraph. They mainly consist of sweet things about me and wishing me a happy rest of the day.
   And yes, I am getting this happy about it. He's the greatest really. People always wonder why I smile all the time. People at my job, my friends and associates. Its because he's always on my mind. Knowing that I have him and he has me always makes me happy. Maybe I should do something for him.
  Sending him a morning Paragraph back wouldn't be enough. Common Tory think. I continuously rack my brain about it for a couple more minutes before something finally came to mind.
  I brush my teeth then put my golden locks in a neat bun while putting my hoops and some lipstick on. I pick out a really cute out fit while my phone is in one hand. I slip it on, grab my jacket then head down stairs. Am I forgetting something?
"Keys Keys Keys"
   I frantically look around for my keys and finally find them sitting motionlessly on the counter. I quickly grab them and head out the door and into my car. I drive to the nearest Walmart and get out. What am I looking for you might say?
   I decided to get a John a gift and bring it up to his job. Now, what should I get?
"Ooo, a fruit basket and a card"
  That's perfect. I silently thank my sweet little mind for being able to think of something as perfect as that. I look around for them but fail at my attempt to find them. It can't be that hard to find a freaking fruit basket.
"Where the hell are they?"
As i'm looking around for them, I run into an employee.
"Hey um can you direct me to the fruit baskets like with chocolates and fruit and chocolate covered fruit"
She slightly chuckles as she hears me quickly explaining everything. Ugh, I'm just embarrassing myself right now. I need to calm down.
"Sorry for talking so fast, I'm just in a rush"
She laughs once more before talking.
"For someone special?"
"Yea, how'd you know"
"Because of how nervous and jittery you are right now"
I blush from embarrassment at her blunt answer.
"Yea, I guess that's understandable"
"Its ok, we all have those moments when were super preoccupied in making the ones most important to us happy"
I smile at her words. Making me feel a little better.
"Anyway, Aisle 11"
"Thank you so much"
"Hey, I'm just doing my job"
  She smiles once more and we depart. I pick a out a basket with chocolate covered deliciousness and a card that explained how important he was to me. I pay for them and leave to Johns work place.
  It was only about 25 minutes away from here. I'm glad its not hot or the chocolate on the fruit would melt. I continuously smiled the whole way there. Once I'm there I take the basket and card and head into the building.
I head the the front desk and explained the situation.
"Normally we aren't allowed to have people up there except workers but I guess I can make an exception this once"
"Thank you so much"
"No problem, floor five"
  He nods once more before making my way to the elevator. I can just imagine how excited he's going to be. I'm finally on the fifth floor and exit the elevator to look for John. When I finally spot him, I stop in my tracks.
"Haha thanks a lot Lucy, you really are the best"
"Awe stop I'm just being nice, you work really hard. I think you deserve something every once in a while"
   She hands him a small present box and they both smile. They look really happy. I feel a heavy tug in my heart. No Tory, stop feeling this way. You know John cares about you the most. She really is pretty and really sophisticated. I can't bring myself to go up to them so I just turn and leave.
   What's wrong with me. Why didn't I say something? Its not like I'm jealous or anything. I pause at that word going through my head.
  Its no need to be jealous. Even though she is really pretty. Its not she's gonna steal John from me of anything.
"Ugh, shut up mind. Your making things worse ya know"
I make it to the first floor and past by the desk monitor.
"Hey, how'd it go?"
I look at him and put on the biggest fake smile I could.
He pauses and looks at me for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something but becomes hesitant and closes it back.
"That's good, have a nice rest of the day"
  I walk out of the building and into my car. I don't fee like driving off right now so I just sit with my head on the steering wheel. I heave a heavy sigh out. Its no reason to feel like this so why do I feel like crying.
  I turn and stare at the chocolate covered fruit with tears welling up I'm my eyes. Since he has other girls to give him damn gifts I'll eat it by myself.
  I roughly take the plastic off the basket and snatch one out to start eating it. I couldn't bring myself to eat it because I knew who this basket was for. I sigh heavily before putting the fruit back down.
   I need to go home and take a rest. It's very well needed. Before I was able to pull off, my phone Vibrates. I look at the screen only to find johns name on it. My heart instantly tightened. With a little hesitation I finally bring myself to look at the message.
"Hey gorgeous, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house after I got from work"
Hmph, why don't you ask "Lucyyyy". That's what I felt like saying but I couldn't bring myself to do that because I knew that would be petty as hell.
A couple minutes later, my phone vibrates again.
"Ok, see you Ina few"
   I set my phone in the passengers seat beside me and drive off towards my house. My head was full of what happened today. All I wanted to do was give him a gift and that stupid bitch had to give him one today. Does she not know he's taken.
   You need to calm down. Your calling somebody you don't even know a bitch. I make it home and flop down onto my bed. I just stare up at the ceiling without a word coming out my mouth. I sit like that for hours and before I know it, its 7pm.
"I'm hungry"
  I go down stairs and look in the refrigerator for something to eat. I grab a salad, yogurt and a cupcake. Those things don't go together what so ever but I don't really care at this point.
   Bringing the piece of food up to my mouth, I suddenly stop. I really don't wanna eat. Well more like I can't eat. I just can't bring myself to swallow anything. Maybe it has something to do with what happened.
   While I'm lost in thought, my phone vibrates. I look at the screen and see that its John.
"Hey you ready for tonight?"
Damn, I completely forgot about tonight. That was the last thing on my mind.
"Yea, can't wait"
"Me either, see you then"
  I put my phone back on the counter and sigh. I'm gonna feel so awkward with him tonight. I need to push that feeling aside and get ready. I walk back up stairs and do my make up and straiten my hair.
   I'm normally always so confident in myself. Beauty wise because I am really pretty and have a nice body. But she just made me feel like trash. How neat everything was and her make up. I know John says I'm gorgeous and only has eyes for me, but still.
   While those thoughts fill my head I become more and more emotional. Pull your self together girl. You got this. Just meet for your date and leave when your done. After giving myself a little pep talk I'm ready to leave for Johns house.
   I grab my keys while shutting and locking the door behind me and get into my car. I sigh one last time and drive off. About 20 minutes later I reach house. His car is in the drive way so he must already be here.
   I get out the car and ring the door bell. A couple seconds later the door opens, revealing John in a casual shirt and pants.
"Tory, your here"
  I nod and walk in. But before I could walk past him he gently brings me into his embrace. My heart rate begins to increase and I feel my cheeks flush. Relaxxxxxx.
  Hmph, he probably hugs Lucy like this too. I find myself getting annoyed and in unintentionally remove myself from his arms.
"What's wrong?"
I stumble for an answer and end up walking away.
"No no no, Tory come here"
I continue walking towards the living room. Not listening to what he was saying.
"Baby come here"
That was my weak spot. I love when he calls me that. But today, it has little affect on me. As I get farther away from him someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around.
"Tory what's wrong?"
I avert my gaze from his and look to the ground.
"Princess look at me when I'm talking to you"
He takes my chin and lifts it up.
"Please look at me"
I continue to avoid his gaze.
"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's the matter"
I muster something under my breath just loud enough so he could hear me.
"Probably calls Lucy princess too"
He widens his eyes and blinks a couple of times clearly shocked at what just came out my mouth.
"Is that what this is about?"
I nod my head.
"I saw her give you a gift while you guys were at work. You two seemed pretty happy"
"You were at my job?"
"I came to give you a basket with Chocolate covered fruit but I saw you and her so I turned back around and walked out"
He looks at me with clearly regret in his eyes.
"She was just being nice Tory. Lucy is one of my very old friends and we go way back, shes nothing more then a friend. I only have eyes for you. I thought I already told you that"
"I know, but she was just so pretty and you guys were smiling so much so I just thou-"
He covers my mouth with his finger.
"Let me stop you right there. I want you to know that no matter how many girls that you see me have a small conversation with, that I'm still yours and yours only. I will only ever have eyes for you because I love you too much to hurt you"
My breath gets caught in my throat at what he just said.
"You l-"
"Yes Tory, I do. Very much"
All I could do was hug him. I love him too. More then words can describe.
"Are you ok now?"
I nod my head.
"Maybe a kiss will make me feel even better"
He laughs and lays a kiss on top of my lips.
"I love you too"
"I know"
"Because of how jealous you got"
I quickly open my mouth to deny it but close it back. He was right.
"Your right. I was jealous because I want to be the only one that is able to have you. Nobody else"
"I know, I know"

Hey. I really hope y'all liked this chapter. Keep reading to find out More. Don't forget to check out my newest story "Surviving the storm". Plz Vote. Bye loves.

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