Part 2

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Demi's Pov

Today when i had gotten around for the day and all showered and dress. I had decided to go shopping for a bit up town. I had met a friend of mine up there named Tyler but I call him Ty for short. he is amazing. We had met up on Baker Street and then we had went to this vintage old clothing store and for cd's and books and stuff like that. They had also had cinnamon buns and french vanilla cappucinos for a drink and or coffee. There was also a micro phone and also a karaoke machine for when u wanted to sing, it was open mic night every night. I had loved It. A guy was singing and it was none other than The Harry Styles from One Direction. I just couldn't believe it.

So I had seem him with his green eyes and curly luscious brown locks and then i was just searching through the albums and books. I had found a few books that I just couldn't live without and also found a one direction album and Harry's new solo album called "Sign of the times." And I had quickly grabbed my black marker out of my beg just in-case He got to sign my cd. And then He was still singing but he had seemed like his green eyes were searching over my eyes and then our eyes locked and it felt like there was a connection or a hypnosis going on. I couldn't feel my heart beating and I was getting really shaking hands and my they were also sweaty as well.

All I could do was smile. So I had headed in the direction Harry was in but he had started to walk off stage in the opposite direction from where I was. So i had panicked and I had screamed "Hey Harry waittt!!" i had screamed it and then i had ran to him but then I didnt realize how fast I was going and I had bumped into him and then all of my stuff fell on the floor. And Harry was alone and he was with a few friends. And then I had picked up my belongs from my bag and then We had locked eyes. I'm not even kidding. He had smiled and said in his british accent...

'Are you okay love?" He had asked me. I had felt like he didnt know who I was until...

"Ye-yes...I was just um wondering if you could sign my two albums of yours...."I had asked him feeling all nervous and red in teh face.

"Oh sure anything for you Demi. I mean I am a huge fan of you as well." Harry had said.

I still couldnt' believe it.


"Really? WOW um well thanks, I think you are amazing, I mean one direction and you really helped me going through therapy and stuff. And just so you know us fan really appreciate everything that you guys do for us all the time." I had added.

I still couldnt believe I was talking to harry styles.

Harry smiled. "Thank you love that means alot to me, so who should I make the album out too?" Harry had asked me.

"To Demi the love of my life." I had said and I just couldnt belive I had said that at all. My face was beat red. Harry chuckled and he had signed it most graciously adn handed it to me. After that he had kissed me on the cheek and then he had gathered his stuff that he had dropped like a book bag and a phone and also a french vanilla cappucino.

"By the way I'm really sorry about the spill of the cappucino." I had added.

"Oh that is perfectly alright they have people to clean it up." He had said.

In my head I said WOW that was sort of mean but he was stating the obvious.

"True," well u think we'll see each other again?" I had asked him.

"Yeah...I believe so sooner rather than later , maybe even at my movie premeire called "Dunkirk." Coming out soon.

"Alrightie I will hope to make an appearance, thank you Harry u know for signing it."

I had said and then he had said No problem, and he had kissed me on the cheek again. My face as redder as hot tamale.

And then he had gatehred his stuff and then he had headed out and I had seen them go get another cappucino and I was so star struck, I didnt know what to do. So i took some breathing exercises and then after they grabbed more cappucinos they had walked out the door and into the car and the car they had drove away.

My friend Ty came out of the restroom and then he had said "What happened to you Demi...why is there cappuccino on the floor?"

"I just met the Harry Styles from One Direction and he had said he was a fan of my work as well!!" I had said to him feeling really excited.

"Well thats cool. But how on earth did you get cappucino on the floor?" he had asked again.

"Well Tyler, I was running swiftly up to him and then I had accidently bumped into him and then thats when the spillage happened." "he had even signed both my albums that I had purchased." I had told Tyler as I had added that to the conversation.

"Oh my god you are soo lucky!" I hope we can meet up with him again so he can sign mine too."

"Maybe some day again." I had told him.

"Yeah..well e better get going it looks like its going to rain." Ty had said.

"Yeah I agree we better catch a taxi..." I had told him.

"Or we can just take my car, u mustve really hit your head or not remember....that I have a car."

"Of course I just forgot. Your car it is." I had said and smiled. And then we had gotten two cappucinos to go and then we had headed into his vehicle. And then we were off.

A:N: Hey guys I really hope you like it so far. Its just the beginning and there will be more so be on the look out for it :) Please commetn adn vote if you like the story.! :) and please share with your friends.
Much Love,

Renae M. Janssen

P.S. Hope you all have a happy 4th of July no matter where you are. The 4th of July is in 2 more days ;) in the UNITED STATES :) <3 Have u guys seen the ranch its a netflix original series i believe and its really good ;) me and my parents are almost done with season 3 ;) <3 love to all ! XOOXOX Thank you for supporting me. ;)

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