Welcome to Jump City

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Danny woke with a scream, again. Ever since he and Jazz left Amity Park Danny couldn't stop the nightmares of the hours of torture and the haunting faces of his adoptive parents. Ever since they had left Danny had memories returning to him of the torture and of being Dan, but only at night while he was helpless and alone. The day before they could get out of the hospital Jazz woke Danny up early in the morning and had him pack everything he owned, then they left. Danny never looked back as Jazz pulled him away to the bus station. Now the two teens lived in a small town called Jump city in California.

Finally they had gotten everything unpacked and were settled in to a two room apartment. Quietly Danny slid out of his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Looking at his clock he saw it was 2 in the morning. Groggily Danny made his way around his new room and got dressed because he knew he would never get back to sleep.

Once he was dressed Danny became his alter ego, Danny Phantom, and flew through the window in his room. He promised Jazz he wouldn't be Danny Phantom in this new town he had to stay quiet. He knew Jazz was only looking out for him but Danny had to clear his head, and the best way to do that was a flight around town. Danny always liked the feeling of flying, it made him feel free, like he wasn't grounded any one place but could go wherever, and do whatever.

Just as he was starting to calm back down from his nightmare and prepare to head back to the small apartment he now called home a loud ringing sounded down below Danny. Curious he flew down to where the sound was coming from. Danny landed in an alleyway next to a jewelry store that was being robbed. At this point Danny had to try and hold himself back from stopping the criminals, this city already had a team of heroes to save the day. Slowly Danny began turning around trying with all his might not to go over and stop the criminals, but his nature got the best of him and he flew up and over to the three teens breaking in to the store.

One of the teens was small and wore a green turtle-necked jumpsuit. He had a panel on the front of his costume and a jet pack on his back. The teens face looked like a baby's. His smooth head shone in the lights of the stores behind him and the only thing separating his head from his face was a pair of goggles with green lenses. His name was Gizmo.

The second teen had a black and purple themed costume. Her costume was mainly black with a purple shawl and buttons. Her leggings were stripped purple and black ending in a pair of black combat boots. Her hair was a bright pink and drawn in to two horn like shapes with thick black bands. Her hair seemed to defy gravity. She went by Jinx.

The third and final teen looked like a giant. He wore a tight black tank top lined with golden metal and black pants. The soles of his shoes ended the suit in a gold outline. The mammoth of a person also had a go-tee with long side chops and very long unclean orange hair. They called him Mammoth.

"How about we put those back where we found them and you three scurry on home before I have to hurt you." Danny said feeling the rush of being a hero again. The smallest teen jumped at the sound of Danny's voice and turned to see who it was.

Not recognizing the new face he asked "Who are you? I haven't see you before. Are you a new Titan?"

"Um... no. Not quite sure what that is but I can tell you one thing."

"And what's that?"

"That I am gonna have some fun tonight." a devilish smile flashed on Danny's face as he dove towards the three teens and began fighting with them. What Danny didn't notice was a shadowy figure had appeared on the rooftops and was watching him.


Robin jumped from building to building on his nightly patrol in search of anything evil happening. A loud alarm began ringing and Robin stopped to find out where it was. He looked down and a circular device in his hand and saw that the alarm had been set off at the Jump City Jewelry store. Quickly Robin grappled towards the robbery in progress.

Robin arrived a few minutes later and stopped at the top of a building. He saw another hero fighting off three H.I.V.E. students and winning. Usually it took all the Teen Titans to defeat this many villains but the young boy down on the street seemed to have no trouble taking down all three by himself.

The boy wearing a black and white jumpsuit suddenly round kicks Mammoth in the face and knocks him out. In one swift move the boy transitions in to an upper cut to Gizmo and a side kick to Jinx, successfully knocking them out as well. The teen looked around to make sure there was noting else he had to do and flew off.

Robin stood in the shadows for a second longer stunned at what he had just seen. So this boy had powers and he didn't even use them to take down the H.I.V.E. students? Robin was definitely interested in who this kid was and what he wanted. Shaking his head Robin grappled down to the three unconscious villains and cuffed all of them to a light post and decided to call it a night.

He head back to the tower where his friends and teammates were waiting for him. Once Robin had entered the living room area, a large white room with two levels. It had a long red carpet leading from the elevator to the couch then up to two doors leading out of the living room. Beast Boy and Cyborg were sitting on the black couch playing some silly videogame, Starfire was sitting at one of the gold tables off to the side playing with Silkie, her alien pet. Raven was sitting up on the second level reading from an old leather book.

When Robin walked in all four of his friends looked to him.

"How was the patrol friend Robin?" Starfire asked.

"Fine, there's a new hero in town though."

"What do you mean dude?" Beast Boy was now hanging over the back of the couch staring intently at Robin.

"I don't really know. He took out Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth by himself without any powers. I don't know weather to be worried or excited about him." Robins domino mask creased slightly in the middle showing the rest of the team he was thinking pretty hard about it.

"How 'bout you go get some sleep and tomorrow we can try and find this guy as a team and interrogate him?"

"Fine." With that Robin walked off to his room still thinking about that teen. He took off his mask and changed out of his costume and got in bed. Soon enough the long night made his eyes droop closed and Dick Grayson was sleeping. He had a horrible dream that night though.

*Begin dream*

He was back at the circus with his family. The lights were shining bright and he was back stage holding Danny, his younger brother, saying bye to his parents. Slowly Mr. and Mrs. Grayson climbed up the tall ladder and began the routine they had done hundreds of times.

Danny, being three, began clapping and cheering for his parents until a loud crack was heard throughout the tent. Lights began flashing and suddenly Dick was at an orphanage, alone. They had taken his brother to another orphanage so he could get better care for his age.

Now he was sitting on his bed at Wayne Manor looking at a picture of his little brother. He never told Bruce of his little brother. He doesn't quite know why he never did he just never felt it was needed.

Finally Robin is standing back on the rooftop staring down at the impressive teen fighting the H.I.V.E. kids again.

*End Dream*

Dick woke up in a cold sweat. He couldn't make out what his dream was trying to say. He remembered bits and pieces but the majority of the dream slipped away as he rubbed his eyes and noticed it was morning.

"Time to start another day." He said to himself as he got up and began getting ready.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you have liked the first chapter of my second book! I am really excited for this one and I hope you are too. I already have most of it planned out so hopefully I can get a schedule for when I'll be posting up soon. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. You guys telling me what you think really helps me, so THANK YOU! Bye!

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