The Missing person

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It's been a couple weeks since January 23. The day I was exposed. And not the party. I had hoped that that certain event would have been forgotten in two weeks. But it's only been more acknowledged.

My social life has died, I mean, even the freshman know a version of the story and hate me. I've pretty much accepted the fate of I'm going to die at this school. I was sick of it. Just sick of it! I just wanted to die. Just go away. I couldn't handle any more.

People were eating off me. They would feast off my pain. And now there was so much, I couldn't contain it. But somehow no adult noticed. It's like they were in their own worlds. An adult world filled with bigger problems than a stupid teenage girl who didn't know how to have friends.

It was a Thursday, just a regular Thursday. Just a Thursday full of hate, and pain, and hurt. Full of faces glaring with hatred pouring out. I really did know what it meant to hate life.

I was heading towards my last period of the day, PE, when the cheerleaders popped up behind me. The head cheerleader, Bailey, spoke up first.

"Oh, uh, the boys locker room is over there! We thought maybe a better place to show off your boobs was to a bunch of guys!" She snickered and so did her band of minions.

I just kept walking down the hall.

"Why are you ignoring us, Alecia? We just want to help you! I mean, you are an ugly slut!" Jessica now spoke up.

"Shut up," I muttered, shaking me head. I picked up my pace. Only 100 feet to the door.

"Oh we're not finished with you yet!" Bailey grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

I looked her straight in the eye and scoffed."what are you going to do now? Spread more lies? More rumors? I don't care anymore! Do whatever the hell you want, just leave me alone!" Then I whipped around and heard a smug 'ugh' behind me and the quieting click of high heels on the granite floor.

I went inside the locker room and changed my clothes quickly. I always hated PE. I was not athletic at all. So the fact that I had to deal with the teacher screaming for me to pick up the pace, did not help.

But, to be honest, I missed that today. Instead of the regular lesson, with the laps and games, we talked about our mental health.

As in suicide, depression, and many other types of mental diseases and actions that can cause or prevent.

To be honest, until this year it didn't bother me. Now I could barely stand being in the room as examples of signs that could mean suicide were discussed. So just kept quiet. I didn't say a word that week. At all. Not even a thought to contribute. I also hoped that no one would notice those signs in me.

But what happened after school was the part that almost killed me.

Just as it started last Thursday it ended this Thursday. Today we were back to the laps and games. Back to the locker rooms. But as long as I did my normal routine, not be noticed while changing, I'd be fine right? Wrong.

It was just a Thursday . A normal Thursday full of bullying and mean people. But little did I know It'd be full of sorrow, too.

I was changing in the bathroom stall that was inside the locker room, when I heard whispering. It was the end of the day so I thought it was just about another party or someone's sex life.

I finished changing back out of my sweaty gym clothes and stepped out as the room went dead quiet. A pen drop could be heard. I slowed my step for a second and looked around. I was surrounded by smirking girls. So I picked up my pace again and bolted out of there.

I knew something was going to happen so I skipped my locker too. I just pulled my keys out of my pocket and ran to the locked up bike that belonged to me, and scrambled with the lock.

I felt someone behind me, their presence had an evil sense to it. I stood up, my bike lock still in hand, and slowly turned myself around.

I saw the cheer squad again, this time all were smirking and had smug smiles.

"Uh- y-yes?" I stammered.

"Oh we just wanted to know why you ditched us earlier!" Bailey spoke, batting her false eyelashes. I hoped she accidentally glued her eye shut while putting them on tomorrow.

"Uh, its obvious. Look in the mirror, your rudeness seeps out. Need more concealer?" I spat. I was done not doing anything to defend myself.

She looked hurt, but wiped it away quickly. What came next surprised me, and I'm sure everyone else.

"Oh your right! Maybe I do! How about I get you some to, it might cover your ugliness!" Then she turned on her heel and motioned for hernminions to follow. She just left me. That was new. She always fought a lot harder and so did Jessica. I was nervous but decided to just ride away.

I had a feeling something were going happen if I followed my daily route home. I'd always stop at the gas station just before Lyckman Dr to buy something or just wander around. But knowing that the people at school knew I did that, I skipped it today. I just kept riding down the street.

I felt a buzz in my back pocket so I stopped pedaling and pulled my phone out. I saw I got a text from my mom.

Mom: how close are you from the house?

I could sense the worried tone, so I quickly replied.

Me: I'm at lyckman dr.

That was only five minutes from my house, and I began to get scared as I saw the three typing dots.

Mom:get here asap, I need to tell you something.

I did reply when I saw that, I just got on a bikers as hard as possible. I made the five minute journey in two and just threw my bike on the front lawn as I ran in. I slammed the door behind me and hurriedly ran threw the hall, scanning all the rooms. I finally saw my mom, in a ball crying in the front room. Two police officers sat opposite her, on our brown leather couch. I stopped dead in my tracks.


All three adults turned to look at me. The officers had pity and sympathy in their eyes. My moms were blotchy and swollen red from crying. My mom waved her hand for me to go sit on her lap. I slowly walked over.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I wiped a tear from her face, fighting back tears of my own.

"There's been an accident."she sniffed," your father has passed away."


Hey! This was chapter six! And welcome to the worst cliff hanger ever! Lmao I'll write what happened tomorrow, and hahahaha tricked you! That special person won't come in for like another two chapters ^•^,
But don't forget to comment, vote, and share with ur friends!
Ilysm, <3

Edit: lol I went back to reread my chapters. I am very ashamed of my spelling and grammar lmao ^~^

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