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Daniel Caesar//Japanese Denim
prompt; In which a boy falls in love with another boy in tough blue jeans in a timeless town.
[11k words]

(By timeless I mean sometime where not everybody had cell phones and shit, you know? Idk maybe like 2004 when a phil was actually 17 and people were using *shudders* flip phones)

But that's still too soon idk

I was sitting outside in the summer heat, in a pair of shorts like normal people without skin conditions or other things in this weather. I was waiting for my mum to come back from the ladies store she had entered. And being the kind of teenage boy who was afraid of shattering his masculinity by being in a shop like that, I refused to go in. I know it's stupid, but it really is embarrassing. Like, a lot of girls don't understand that because it's just a store, but it's just not a place I can feel comfortable in. And I know that women need the things in that shop, or at least some of the things, but women don't really need lingerie and frilly underwear--but then again, I'm not a girl, so who I am to speak for the entire female population?

Though the sun was beating down on my long legs, I never seemed to tan. Ever. So there my legs where, pale, hairy and awkwardly long teenage boy limbs, just swung over this little wall I was sitting on like two feet off the ground. Malls often had those random plots of flowers raised on brick, you know what I mean? I felt weird even hanging outside the shop, and I felt scared that some girls would think I was a creep or something. But it's not like my chances with girls were very high anyway, considering I just wasn't all that appealing. (Or it could be my fear of lingerie shops)

The doors open and I perk up because it could finally be my mum, but then I see something I didn't expect.
It's a boy.

He had curly brown hair and was wearing a white denim jacket, along with a striped crop top over some type of fishnet covering, that goes all the way over his legs and stomach. I know this, because I can see it through his light blue ripped skinny jeans, fitting his form perfectly. Skinny jeans in the summer, wow. He was also wearing expensive sunglasses, and he struts in those white adida shoes, holding a pink bag from the store in his hand and just looking amazingly casual and confident.

In those ripped blue jeans.

This moment here, when I'm seventeen years old, is the first time I'd ever thought two things. One: that boys could dress like that, and buy lingerie and panties, and it not be weird. That maybe all clothes can look good on any gender. And Two: that another boy was attractive.

I felt my face heat up at that second thought, my heart racing in my chest as he walked past me. "Nice legs." He commented, and my breath caught in my throat as my eyes widened. He only smiled at me as if my reaction was amusing. I'd never once not understood how to feel, or why I was feeling this way. He couldn't be that much older than me if he was, and he wasn't intimidating. I just couldn't believe for a second my brain thought he was cute, knowing he was a boy.

He's already gone by the time I breathe again, and my heart slows down. Did I just...did I just get nervous around him? And why did I think he was cute? And when my mum finally arrives, I sigh in relief. Maybe if I leave this place I can forget that just happened to me. I didn't think he was attractive, my mind just thought he was a girl at first. Yeah. I like girls like other boys, right?

"Phil, dear, do you want anything before we leave?"

"Uh, no." I reply, and my mum nods. "Okay, lets go. I have to make dinner anyway. I'm thinking pasta, that alright?"

"Yeah." I say, still trying to forget three minutes ago.

On the car ride home, you can guess, the tiny moment was not forgotten. In fact, my brain just kept seeing images of him walking out of that shop, not a care in the world in those torn jeans and fishnet outfit. My brain kept seeing his brown curly hair that looked soft and nice to touch, and his smooth ivory skin that he showed a little too much of. But at the same time, he wore jeans in the summer, so it was also not enough. What was that about anyway? Why did he wear what he wore? Was it comfortable? Was he-

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