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Prompt; You're mine💓
Bazzi did this to me
[2.6k words]


Up in the trees he was sitting, leaves barely brushing his hair and eyes trained towards the ground.
I asked him once why he never looked up and he said, "It's too bright."

One day I climbed up there. I wanted to know what it felt like. I've seen him up there so many times I knew it must be beautiful.

I mean I thought he was beautiful, even though my mom said I wasn't supposed to. He had nice brown hair that was all swishy in the wind and spun like ballet dancers. His eyes were always watching people, a playful smile on his lips everytime I'd look up from my spot on the park bench. I was always reading(sometimes I was only pretending).

I never waved. He might know I liked his smile if I waved. And I wasn't allowed to do that either.

But that one day I got curious and snuck out early, taking over his tree. I got so scared up there, I couldn't climb back down. I was up there for hours. No one noticed until he came around.

He saw me and was surprised, but when he found out I was stuck—oh how he laughed, his head thrown back and eyes watering. He laughed for so long I think his dimples got tired. I didn't understand what was so funny about my distress but I wasn't complaining because it was so intricate. There was so much to notice.

He was perfectly intricate, and I wanted to discover more than just his laugh.

"Oh no, I knew you'd get curious. I saw it in your eyes." He said, hands on his hips as he shook his head.

"What does that mean?"

He smiled, "I'm coming up, don't move."

"Is that supposed to be a joke?"


"I don't like you." I said, and it just came out of my mouth like I was some sort of impulsive third grader. I think I liked him so much with him saying so little I decided it wasn't right.

"Too bad, I like you." He replied, and he climbed up and sat right next to me.

After I stopped blushing, he helped me get down by talking me through it. Something about him talking made me actually glad I got stuck in that tree. He asked me how long I'd been up and I lied about it, because I was still so embarrassed.

And if he knew the truth he'd ask why my parents didn't worry. I didn't want to answer that either.

"You're like a cat, you know. So curious you climb up, but too afraid to go back down."

"I've noticed."

He laughs. "Damn, you're sassier than I thought."

"Do I look...not sassy?"

"No, you look quiet. Adorable."

"Maybe you could learn some lessons from me."

His eyes widened and he blinked at me. "You are...definitely so sassy it just gave me a boner."

I had no reply to that.

When I got down from the tree he offered me lunch. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted.

I think he wanted an excuse to keep me around as bad as I wanted to keep him around.
We became friends.

The problem with that is, I didn't know if I wanted to be his friend.
Because everytime he smiled, my heart crossed the line.

I knew I wanted him to be mine.


One; The Rapture

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