A mirror is meant to show reflection,
but before I continue I guess it's best to mention..
it's also a weapon,
Now where were we..
Let's see,
A mirror will tell your stories back you it's the same for me,
Food is meant to eat and it seems impossible to me, because how can I eat when the world is telling me skinny is pretty and well... i'm not skinny,
sometimes nobody seems to care or listen,
I'm the true definition of burden,
When I say I'm tired it usually means I'm breaking down again- comfort me, but usually 'sleep then'works too,
I know people hate me when I'm sad that thought crosses my mind alot, so I consider keeping it locked up like a secret,Pretend it never existed ya know just ...leave it,
Don't look up my sleeve there are things you cannot see for a few weeks until it's scars not fresh marks,
I have this terrible flaw I have to help everyone and everything it's funny I just can't help myself,
All I want is soemone to be able to help me when I'm down knowin it might be stressful but still putting up with it,
Small things mean so much to me,
Like silly little drawings or compliments and jokes,
I don't want anything else,
Sometimes it takes a lot of work for me to be happy,
and I'm a weirdo a little silly and sometimes a brat
But there's nothing wrong with that, every night for bed my thoughts somehow end with thank you because my god it must be hard to deal with a girl as complicated as me.

A/N: may sound like rant how ever meant for spoken word, and thank sincerely to those and one in particular for putting up with me.

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