Chapter 4

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A/N: So this isnt accurate at all but what Johns wearing is regular clothes not hospital clothes, hes just there because they wanna make sure hes not gonna have a bad reaction to the medicine, im no doctor and i dont plan on it so this is what i came up with. he also doesnt have wires all over his body.

>John POV (my poor turtle king)<


We all turned to look at the voice, it was alex. He said yes to a date. I felt my heart shatter, immediately Aaron, Laf and Herc ran to me making sure I was okay, they were saying nice things and trying to lift my spirits. I said I was okay, but I wanted to throw up. 

The Schuyler sisters were all near alexander and eliza the new couple of the group apparently. I looked over at him. He looked happy, and I wasn't about to ruin that for him. He looked over at me meeting my gaze, there was pain in my eyes and I could tell he could see it.

He stood leaving the three girls talking about what to wear and stuff. He started walking towards me and my friends stopped talking to look at him coming. I wonder if he thought I was happy for him, I wasn't about to find out, I jumped off the bed causing my rib to hurt, but i had the back brace on so I was fine, he was almost in front of me when I ran out. I ran so fast, my converse would hit the floor making a screeching noise. 

I ran into the waiting room and out the two doors.I took deep out of breaths as tears streamed down my face, my strong personality vanished into thin air. I knew him for 2 days and I was head over heals for him. Crying outside because he got a date. 

"MON AMI DON'T DO THAT TO ME" I heard laf's voice and he was running to me.

"I'm sorry laf I just wanna go home..." I mumbled looking down and wiping my tears (of the years) away.

   "oui... me to, i'm so sorry John, ill sign you out and get your stuff" He handed me the car keys and I wanted for Burr, Laf, and Herc to come back, Alex could get a rid with his girlfriend.



I looked at myself in the mirror, I had a fancy tux I knew she would like, my real question was, do i like her...? I wasn't really sure why I accepted to go on this date, I had just met her and had no interest in her, of course she was sweet caring and beautiful, but every time i hung out with her i thought of John Laurens. And i know that sounds cool but hes perfect. His eyes, his freckles, his hair, it was all perfect, but now there is Eliza.

I sighed walking out of my room into the living room. In my tux ready for my date.

I saw laf, Aaron,Herc,and john there. 

"How do i look?" I asked turning around.

"Good mon ami....." Laf said sighing and rubbing lauren's back.

Herc and Aaron just nodded, I couldn't understand why they all seemed so distant. John didn't look at me. Why didn't he look at me...

"John? Do I look okay?" I asked not wanting the silent treatment from him, he was one of my only friends I didn't wanna screw it up. 

"Y-yes Alexander, you look per-okay..." I heard a choke in his voice and my heart shattered at the sound, he still didn't even look at me.

"Well im off to my date with Eliza then..." I said sighing.


>3rd POV<

Alex walked up to the restaurant knowing Eliza was already there. He saw her and she looked stunning. She had a light blue dress on and her hair in a side braid, she sat waiting for him and looked up seeing Alex.

"Alex you look quite handsome tonight" She said blushing, Alex didn't blush at all, he had nothing towards her. At all.

"You as well Eliza" She turned even more red.

They talked about their lives and pasts, but every time Alexander's past came up, he waved it away quickly. They were talking about how Eliza worked at the pet store down the street and new turtles had came in.

"John would love the turtles..." Alex replied and Eliza raised an eyebrow.

"That's like the tenth time you have mentioned John, It's like you rather be on this date with him" She laughed.

It was true, in every topic John had came up on it. Alex looked down in his seat and Eliza realized it that he did like John.

"Oh... You do like John don't you... If you liked him why did you agree to the date?" She said obviously heartbroken.

"I-I don't know... I tried to push away the feeling cause I didn't want to be made fun of...." He felt horrible for saying that.

"Alexander I don't like being played. You really hurt my feelings.. But if you love John go get him. What are you waiting for?" She said after the uncomfortable silence.

"What if he isn't even gay or doesn't like me" Alex said his voice cracking.

"HAH! John laurens is as straight as a circle. Alex I saw him tear up when you said yes, he really really likes you, I do too but i'm not standing in the way of love." She said quietly.

"Goodbye Alexander, smile more." She smiled at him weakly and kissed his cheek lips lingering and tears falling. She walked out leaving him there alone.


>Alex POV<

After sitting there feeling sorry for myself for over an half an hour I picked up my phone and went to me and the guys chat.


Non-stop: Hey, Laurens are you here

Turtleboi: John* yea, and how did your.. date go?

Non-stop: Uh not that well but I really really need to talk to you

Turtleboi: Okay... After school tomorrow I'm heading to bed. Gnight.

Non-stop: alright! Night John.

He is so cute...  I'm finally gonna tell him I like him, It will be all good right?


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