Chapter 16

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>Alex POV waaat<

Before I knew it we where all smooshed in Lafayette's car driving to ihop. I wasn't really paying attention to a thing they were talking about, all I know is they were really loud. I had my head on John and my feet on burr, they were both really comfy. I could feel every time John would talk. I looked away from my phone to see John. He was ranting about something, oh how the tables have turned. He was flushed with anger making his freckles show. I leaned up kissing his cheek and he stopped talking to look down at me. He smiled kissing my forehead and went back to ranting. Probably about turtles.

"Yeah yeah whatever, we're here, if you don't mind I would like not to keep talking about whatever you are talking about." Laf said opening the door. John huffed and got me off his lap getting out. He held the door open for me and we walked into the Ihop. At first alex didn't notice John had stopped walking, but when he turned over he didn't see him. He looked behind him to see John staring at someone, eyes wide with horror, Laf and Herc saw to and immediately knew who it was. So did Burr. When he came this way we all shoved John behind us.

"Wait aren't you my sons.... Friend....." He pointed at me with an evil finger. I pushed his finger away and retaliated. 

"Actually I would say we are quite more then friends." I said with a smile dancing on my face. He obviously wasn't having it. He brought his fist up but laf and burr stopped it before it hit me.

"Sir can we please eat our breakfast in peace?" Burr said roughly putting down the guys hand. He huffed and walked away and we helped John back up.

"Thanks guys..." We all nodded and walked over to our table. We fell in a comfortable quiet, it was just nice to see each other.

"Alex, mon ami, are you feeling better from the last time we saw you?" Laf asked earning nods from everyone else, I looked down, I don't remember most of what happened but when I woke up in the hospital I felt really shitty, It would hurt to talk and recovery was a bitch but John and everyone else helped me through it, I don't even think John left the hospital those weeks. 

"Better, its been hard doing my normal routine and writing strains my hand more often then normal but I'm getting through." I said taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Are you excited to go back to class?" Burr asked eating his eggs. I never really thought about it. I would have to see Jefferson again and my dad was gonna give the macaroni fucker some shit but other then that it wouldn't be too bad. The kids would probably be nicer then usual, since I'm injured, and writing might be a strain but I guess that's what I get for letting the hairy kiwi beat me up. 

"Um, sure I guess seeing the dipshit isn't gonna be a blast but being back at work is gonna be weird." I said and everyone nodded. 

"I'm gonna miss him spending time with me though." John huffed taking a bite of his croissant. I laughed hitting him in the shoulder with mine gently and he smirked.

We had been eating for an hour and John decided for all of us that we where going to the pool, it was a hot day so it really was perfect for the pool. When we got there me and John sprinted to the bathroom to change, changing wasn't weird its not like we haven't seen each other naked before? I changed quickly and turned over expecting John to be staring at me, but he wasn't he was staring at the floor.

"John aren't you gonna get changed?" I rubbed my hands up and down his arms in a comforting matter. He was hesitant to look up at me but he did.

" I have some new scars on my back and I didn't want everyone to see them.." I immediately thought he was cutting himself again, he did before we dated and a little in the beginning but I had sworn he stopped. He must have seen my worried face because he quickly covered up his words.

"Not from myself! From more of my father..." I never noticed John leaving and coming back with pain, how he wore longer shorts and shirts to bed. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I took off his shirt slowly and looked at his muscular back. It was covered with cuts and bruises and belt marks. I felt my eyes tear up as I gently placed my hands on his back. His chest area and stomach weren't much better, they had cuts and bruises and belt marks as well. I let the tears fall and I placed my head on his chest. He undid my hair and ran his hands through it.

"I'm sure they wont think any less of you John, its okay." I kissed his lips gently and gave him his swim trunks. He changed while I gathered all of the clothes and shoved them in our backpacks. I zipped it up and looked at his body again. How could someone hurt such a beautiful human being. I kissed his chest up to his lips and lingered on his lips. I smiled at him, he mirrored the expression a took a deep breath.

We went outside and saw that everyone was already splashing in the water, I guess the  Schuyler sisters had joined us at one point, John was looking down and I rubbed his back. Everyone was looking at him now.

"Oh my god John what happened!" Eliza exclaimed jumping out of the pool and running towards us. It was like she thought I did that to him this very second.

"Um nothing I don't I-" I rubbed his back and kissed his shoulder.

"You don't have to tell them." He nodded and Eliza knew to go back in the pool.

In less then 5 minutes we where having a blast in the pool and forgetting about John's condition. John was back to his perky self in no time. We played in the pool for hours stopping at 10 am, we had class at 12 so we didn't want to risk it. I slipped on my shirt and gave John one. We dried off our hair and headed back to our apartments, the girls left an hour before we did. We where particularly quiet the whole ride home. When we got there me and John took a shower together and got ready for school.

I don't know why I wasn't thrilled to go.

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