Chapter 10

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>John's POV<

I stumbled around looking for Lexi. I almost fell over, I was pretty drunk but luckily when I'm drunk I remember mostly everything. I thought I saw Alex talking to some girl. I smiled walking towards him, stopping in my tracks seeing them kiss. Aggressively. I thought I would see him stop her but after a few minutes  of him in shock he put his arms around her waist.

I gasped as she put her hands under his shirt and they started moving to the bathroom. I didn't even realize the tears streaming but they just kept coming and falling and falling.

"Mon ami have you seen herc?" I felt laf's hand on my shoulder and I turned. My tears falling slowly. Laf's smile retreated immediately as I fell in his chest crying my eyes out.

"laf baby we should get home if you know what I-" Herc was walking up to laf but stopped talking when he saw me.

"Oh my god what happened John!" Herc joined our sad little hug thing and we all seem sober.

"I-I saw Alex kissing some girl and they went I-In the bathroom." I managed to get out before breaking back into a crying fit. 

"THATS IT HES DEAD!" Laf said starting to walk to the bathroom. I grabbed his sleeve tears falling.

"No, please, maybe the silent treatment is all he needs to understand what he did wrong." I said wiping my tears away. Laf nodded and we headed to his apartment.

>Alex the turtle crushing man's POV<

I woke up a bathroom. What the fuck? Did I get so wasted and sleep in here? John must be worried sick. I stood realizing there was a naked woman next to me and I was naked as well. My eyes widened and I could feel the tears falling and me starting to panic. I got dressed quickly getting out of the bathroom. I saw I was in the club we went to last night, I must have hooked up with the girl.

That was crazy though, I loved my turtle boy, I would never cheat on him with my own choice, maybe she set me up to this? I wanted to scream and cry into John's arms, but I didn't think I could even pull myself together to see him. What if he saw? I pulled myself away from the thoughts, realizing I was at my apartment. I leaned against the wall and slid down slowly pulling my knees to my chest. I sobbed feeling sorry for myself.

I didn't say no, I didn't sat no, why didn't I sat no...

"You little asshole!" I looked up to see Laf, he was red with anger and he looked like he was gonna kill me.

"You cheat on John  leave him sitting in my apartment crying his eyes out and your out here?!?!" He screamed at me booming over me, he finally saw the tears and looked horrified.

"Oh lexy I'm so sorry I didn't mean it, were all just so mad at you, I- did- were you- never mind. just what happened?" He said struggling for the right words. He let me hug him and I started explaining.

"I was really drunk... I was looking for John and sat down, she sat next to me and just forcefully kissed me, I kissed back, I was drunk and confused, she took me to the bathroom and I hardly remember what happened after that... but I can only imagine what happened after that..." I drifted off and started crying again.

"Dang... Do you know who it was?" Laf said rubbing my back.

"I think it was Maria..." Laf looked furious.

"THAT WHORE, SHES DEAD." He got up but I pulled him down.

"We have worse things to worry about, what happens with me and John." I ask my lip quivering.

"IDEA! You go in your apartment and wait, I explain the situation to him and convince him to talk to you." Laf said with a twinkle in his eye, I nodded and walked to my apartment, it was unlocked so I walked in and collapsed on the couch crying my eyes out. I missed him dearly.

>2 hours later into the turtle breakdown<

John still hadn't come in, I started to worry that he wouldn't come back, I wouldn't if I were him. Suddenly the door opened and I saw a puffy, bloodshot eyed red faced John, which only made me cry more. I stood up and he broke into tears, I could feel my heart breaking, what did I do?

He ran towards me embracing me In a huge hug. He cried in my shoulder then pulled away, he slapped me in the face and I knew I had deserved it.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!" He screamed In my face.

"DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME!?" This wasn't like him at all. He was strong and calm, he was falling apart, because of me.

"Oh John... Yes I love you.. if I had control over last night I would have ran to you so fast, I don't deserve you, I know I don't but I really do feel horrible... because my heart only goes to you." I said tears streaming down my face.

"I love you too Alex, but are you even sure you like me, you seemed to be enjoying yourself, I'm not one to be in the way of love." I kissed him and he kissed back, I couldn't ever think of anyone else to love.

"I'm so sure John... I promise." I kissed him again cursing my idiotic self.

A/n ew that was cheesy and cringe XD

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