Chapter 9

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 >John's POV<

I woke up next to Lexi,it was perfect. I then remembered what happened last night and smiled.

I untangled myself from his grasp reluctantly and looked at the time, 7:15 am. We had 15 minutes to get ready, why did we do this too ourselves? I had a big game today and he had his lecture with Tom-ass Jeffer-cunt. At least that's what I call him, but Lexi gets mad when I say it, i'm not really sure why, he's called Jefferson worse.

"Lexi.... Its 7:15.. Your lecture is in 15 minutes." And with that Lex jumped out of the bed forgetting his appearance. He immediately blushed a crimson color grabbing some boxers and clothes and running into the bathroom. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

I got dressed quickly and made some coffee. 7:20. Lex ran out quickly, his hair in a tight ponytail. I could tell it took him a while to get it up, which gave me an idea. I smirked devilishly setting down his cup of coffee. Almost on cue he ran to it quickly gulping it down.

I walked up him and sat on his lap, which was probably a bad idea since I was a lot taller and heavier then him. I looked in his eyes and put my hands behind his neck and kissed him. He melted into the kiss and I took my chance.

I undid his pony tail and jumped off him quickly, I was laughing so hard I think I was crying a bit. I gathered myself to look at him. His face was flushed and his hair was everywhere. He was trying to fix it when I went behind him taking his hair. I kissed him on the neck and tied his hair backup.

"I'll get you back." He said standing up and looking at me.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you will." I said kissing him again.

>Alex's POV<

I was so nervous about my lecture, I had to beat Thomas in this one. He drove me crazy and I HAD to show him whose boss.

"Settle down class today we are starting with a debate. Thomas against Alexander. The debate this is about having a school bank. Thomas Jefferson, your defense."

"Our school has been fine for more then 300 years, we never needed a bank before, maybe instead of trying to steal school money you should decide what side your on, gay or straight? You can't be both! Bisexual is just an excuse for not being able to make a decision. Your just here to take the school money and book it, maybe your boy toy John will join you!" Jefferson spat, I felt sick to my stomach.

"Alright alright that's quite enough, Alexander, your response?"

"That was cute, really, but have you noticed this school hasn't gotten better in these 300 years? We have been robbed so many times due to the fact of our money being a safe in Washington's office! Don't you think you should think twice before you lecture me about sexuality? You let Madison follow you around like a little puppy dog, while your off getting high with the french exchange students, who knows what else, except you and the STD's you carry. Suck it Jefferson, we already know you swallow... Sit there act like a little bitch, yo turn around ill show you were my shoe fits!" I stood up both our faces red we got into each others faces inches apart, I had to look up at him since he was too tall. 

"Alright boys! That was more of a sexuality lecture but I think we can all say Alexander took the win." I could feel Washington put his hand on my shoulder, him being my adopted father this looked bad winning. Thomas glared at me and we both sit down waiting out the rest of class.

>John's POV<

The bell rang and me and Alex walked to practice hand in hand.

"Your speech was amazing, you won by a landslide." I said breaking the comfortable silence.

"I couldn't believe he brought you into it, I was so angry I could have ripped his head off." Alex said fumbling.

"Shhh its okay, it didn't affect me I honestly don't care what Thom-ass has to say." I said playing with his hair. He shot me a look but started laughing.

"I knew you would warm up to the nickname." That made him laugh more as he put his arm around my waist. We got to the football locker room and walked in, everyone was quiet and staring at us.

"Your late." Burr said, he sounded angry for some reason. 

"Oh sorry we ha-" I said stuttering but they all started to laugh and tackle me.

"YOU SOUNDED SO SCARED HAH." I heard Lafayette scream his words slurred.

"Seriously you thought you were gonna die!" Herc's low voice laughed.

"Seriously turtle man chill out." Burr said putting his uniform on.

"Yeah yeah let's just practice."

>Time skip cause I lazy and don't want to<

>John's POV no surprise< 

Alex and I had just gotten home to relax and watch a movie when Laf bursted through the door connecting our apartments... peachy. 

"Mon amies! Let's go to a bar tonight!" Laf said Herc appearing behind him.

"Laf may I remind you we are 20 in sophomore year of college, no." Alex said getting on his phone.

"Come on little lion don't be an upright granny! We got fake ID's-" Herc started but Alex interrupted him.

"For that one night we had for John's birthday, and we all regretted at least one thing that night. From Herc and Laf losing their virginity while drunk from each other, or having alcohol poisoning. No." I winced, he was talking about me having the worst alcohol poisoning the next day after my birthday, I didn't go to school for 4 days.

"Non, that night was the best thing for me and Herc's relationship. We are going." Laf said stomping on the ground. Honestly a night out wouldn't be to bad.

"Herc and I's. And no way I need to keep my sanity." Alex corrected them and went back on his phone.

"You lost your sanity years ago and maybe John will make the final decision." Herc said angrily. Oh my god why the hell do I make the final decisions in this group, is it because I stay quiet?!

"I mean, maybe getting out for the night wouldn't be a bad thing, we have all been really stressed this month maybe loosening up wouldn't be bad?" I said and Alex glared at me and I kissed him making the look go away.

>Alex's POV<

It was my 5th beer and I was a bit tipsy...That's an understatement. I could hardly remember my name and I almost kissed someone who wasn't John but realized my mistake a second too early. My head spun as I sat down, honestly I had no idea where John was, I missed him.

"Hello hottie." I heard a feminine voice next to me and I turned over to see someone who kinda looked like Peggy but her curly hair was to the side and she had red lipstick. Before I could answer her lips were on mine, I tried to scream but she was kissing me to roughly. 

I didn't say no.

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