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We were laughing our asses off while Bianca's shirt flew across the room...Club Can't Handle Me by Florida was playing in the background. One hell of a crazy night it turned out to be. The 1.75lts of SMIRNOFF cranberry vodka bottle was already half empty. The four of us were giggling like idiots completely out of our senses. I bet none of us remembers why we even started drinking in the first place. But right now, at this very moment all we care about is the fun it is bringing us.

Bianca's ombre blonde hair is bouncing around her like a halo. Her baby blue eyes are twinkling with mischief in them. Esthevan is shouting on top of his voice as he finishes the last shot and holds his hand up as he turns his gaze towards Jade, "Wait up ladies, Jade go get the next bottle." Jade just glares and gives him the "What am I, your maid?" look.

"Ooookay...." he slurred and scurried off to get the whiskey, switching the music player off in the process. When Esthevan returns there is a big smirk playing on his face and we all know he's up to something. We're in deep shit because I know that look.

Bianca screams, "What's the deal, Esthevan Colton?" His smirk just grows wider when Bianca says that. His dark blue eyes shimmer with excitement, and now I can't hold it in anymore, "Spit it out, Esthe.....You know how it sucks to wait for so long." I state sternly.

And then finally after what feels like hours (but was only minutes later), as if coming out of his thoughts which somehow seemed evil, "You know it just crossed MY MASTERMIND...." he says giving the unnecessary pause and everyone groans, while i just roll my eyes. "Yeah, shut up, ANYWAYS coming to the point, I was saying how about we play THE PLAYER...!?"He asks. We all arched our eye brows at him and a confused frown crawled over our faces.

"Shut it Esthevan, I think you had too much to drink already.....!" Jade says scowling. "Oh no babe, YOU'RE gonna like this." He said as he ruffled her red hair and winked at her. Her blackish brown eyes flared with anger and she smacked his arm away giving the 'I am gonna kill you, if you push me any further' look.

We were all sitting on the red contemporary high bar stools around the granite countertop. Bianca was now sitting on it with her legs crossed Indian-style as she was rudely interrupted from her little strip dance. I have to say Jade's parents have good taste in liquor I thought to myself as I took a sip of the whiskey. Oh yeah! I remember, we're at Jade's condo.

Esthevan stood up with his hands on his waist, looking like he was about to give a presentation at his office, and bringing me back to reality and I thought what kind of game he was playing in his mind now...

God damn it, WHAT is he up to? My question was soon answered when he cleared his throat as if he was ready for the big speech and he began to speak, "SOOO ladies, here's the plan...." Esthevan said, his smirk growing more and more mischievous with each word "All of you know the hottest player in town, the one and only DAMIAN MONTGOMERY." Taking his name as if he's already in dreamland with him Esthevan fans himself with one hand. I'd like to proudly announce, my best friend is undoubtedly gay. I suddenly realise what he just said.

That's when MY heart begins to race.

DAMN I smell trouble...

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