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In 3 weeks, Cleo Lewis would move house

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In 3 weeks, Cleo Lewis would move house. She had 3 weeks to help Simon Minter and his mother escape his father. Cleo thought that as she was leaving the school, she may as well display her relationship to everyone rather than keep it a secret, so when she got out of her fathers car on the Monday morning she gave Simon a wide smile, her father pulled off and she walked over to him. A worried look came over his face, they hardly spoke to each other in school so why was she walking over?

Cleo walks right up to him, her hands reach up to his neck as she stands on her tiptoes and presses a kiss against his lips. Ethan and Joshua who were stood with him shared confused glances and the people around them gasped and whispered as they walked by.

Cleo pulls away and Simon gives the girl a wide smile, "What was that about?"

"I have 3 weeks left in this hell hole, I'm not living it in secret anymore," She says, her smile never leaving her face, "I have a lesson to get to, I'll see you at break,"

"Yes you will," He smiles, another kiss is shared between them before Cleo heads off for her history class.

"That was something else," Ethan says and Simon leads the way towards their lesson.

"Cleo is just something else anyway," Simon says and the boys behind him both smile.

"She seems like a nice girl...I never thought you'd go for her...And I never thought she'd go for you," Josh says and Simon shrugs, he falls back a little to walk in line with Josh and Ethan.

"She's became so important to me, I love her so, so much but I can't help but feel anxious about her moving away," Simon says and Ethan places a supportive hand on Simon's shoulder.

"Its 2 hours drive from here to there, its nothing when you think about it- don't even worry about it," Ethan says and Josh nods in agreement.

"Exactly man, you can get a train, or Cleo could or you could both travel one hour and meet in the middle," Josh says and Simon nods slowly.

"Maybe you're right," Simon says and Ethan laughs.

"Of course we are!" He says and the three boys laugh together as they walk towards their first class of the day.

At lunch time, Cleo and Simon met up in the cafeteria, their hands intertwining like they were made for each other. They got their lunch and sat with Ethan and Josh, the boys chatted mostly about Clarissa, a girl that was apparently sleeping around with Callum Airey.

"Isn't she the girl who plays the violin? In the year below?" Simon asks and Cleo nods softly.

"She's a sweet girl," Cleo adds and Josh and Ethan laugh.

"Cal say's she's freaky," Ethan says and Cleo raises an eyebrow.

"Freaky how?"

"I don't think you want to know," Josh says and Cleo just laughs.

"I'm not as innocent as you think, just tell me,"

"She wanted him to tie her up and stuff, like proper, real ropes and shit. Like she had a blind fold and she wore it and shit,"

"Thats not as bad as some stuff," Simon comments and Cleo frowns.

"Why? What stuff have you heard of?" Cleo asks him and Simon just laughs.

"I mean, some people like to be hit or pissed on or something, ropes and handcuffs aren't that bad compared to those things," Simon says and Cleo just smiles.

"Simon is kinky, Cleo, I'd be careful if I was you," Josh says and Ethan laughs loudly.

"You'd know, wouldn't you Josh," Ethan giggles and Cleo laughs too.

"I hate you both," Josh says, pointing to Ethan and Cleo.

"Sapphire is coming this way," Simon says, causing both Josh and Ethan to look over their shoulders at the approaching girl.

"Hey Cleo," Sapphire says, Cleo looks from Simon to the girl at the side of the table.

"Hey Sapphire," She replies and the girl lets out a lengthy breath.

"I just wanted to say- I heard you're moving house, and I wanted to wish you well," Sapphire says and Cleo nods.

"Thanks," She says, her eyes shift from Sapphire to the table where Claire was sat, "Is Claire not interested in saying anything?"

"Claire is still...mad, I guess," Sapphire says and Cleo nods softly.

"Well, thank you, Saph, and I'm sorry that me and you couldn't stay friends," Cleo says and Sapphire nods.

"I'll see you around, Cleo," Sapphire says before turning on her heel and walking back towards Claire who sat staring towards Cleo.

"Does Claire think you're going to steal her friend?" Ethan asks Cleo and Cleo just laughs.

"Claire always was the jealous type," Cleo shrugs.

"Hey, I wanted to ask, at this new college, is there anyone you know?" Josh asks and Cleo shakes her head.

"Theres no one I know, and I don't know how I'll make friends either," Cleo says and Simon squeezes her hand gently.

"You will make friends, everyone will love you," Simon says and Cleo gives him a sad smile.

"I'll miss this," Cleo says, gesturing to the table in front of them.

"I'll miss you, Cleo," Josh says and Cleo smiles at him.

"I will too," Ethan says, smiling at Cleo and Simon.

"I'll see you as often as I can," Simon says and he gives Cleo a soft smile, "I have something for you,"

"Whats that?" She asks and he reaches into his bag and presents a sheet of paper.

Cleo opens it up and finds its a letter, from the Police. She reads it, a smile forms on her lips, "Simon, I'm so proud of you, you're so brave,"

"Thank you, Cleo, for giving me the courage to do this," Simon says and he gives her a tight hug as she re-reads the letter that confirms Simon gave a statement against his father to the police that morning.

"I love you," Cleo says and Simon presses a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I love you more,"


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

this was a little bit of a shorter chapter as its more of a filler chapter

much love to the most Savage fam on Wattpad!


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