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Simon walked towards the football pitch, it was the last game of the season for his local under 18s club and he glanced towards the stands as he exited the changing rooms, it wasn't in any kind of big stadium but there were still quite a few seats

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Simon walked towards the football pitch, it was the last game of the season for his local under 18s club and he glanced towards the stands as he exited the changing rooms, it wasn't in any kind of big stadium but there were still quite a few seats.

He waved to his mum who sat smiling in the stands, she waves back and Simon nods to her before rushing off towards his team mates. He was the captain of the team so he quickly ran over what he wanted to happen and how they were to execute the plan.

They broke off to get into position and as Simon walked towards the centre of the pitch he was distracted by someone sitting right behind the barrier, he turns his head and his face lights up, but she doesn't smile back, in fact, she hardly acknowledges him.

Simon moves to the centre of the pitch and allows the opposite team to start first before moving to the side and letting them get a few passes in.

By the end of the match, Simon had scored 3 of the 4 goals that would win them the match at 4-1.

Simon showered and changed into some better clothes before practically running back out towards the pitch. He ran towards were he'd seen her and was surprised when she was still sat there, waiting for him. As he approached she stood up, she was taller than him now, because of the stand.

"Hey Cleo," He says, he wanted to hop the fence but he knew he shouldn't.

"Hey Simon," She smiles softly and he grins at her, his name sounded so sweet in her voice.

"What're you doing here?" He asks and Cleo shoves her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"I wanted to see you play, plus your mum told me it was the last in the season," Cleo says and Simon's lips part as he looks towards the stand opposite the one Cleo was in, his mum was still there, and Simon could just about see the smile on his mothers lips from such a distance.

"Wow, I...I didn't think I'd see you ever again," Simon says and Cleo shrugs.

"Neither did I, but Harry and your mother convinced me well enough," She says and Simon runs a hand over his face.

"I can't believe my mom had any part in this," He chuckles, Cleo smiles and nods.

"I called her and asked a lot, and I asked when would be a good time to speak to you about my parents being assholes," Cleo says, eyes meeting Simon's.

"Harry told you?" Simon asks and Cleo nods.

"I'm moving out, me and Harry are, Harry is gonna' work and I'll go to college and it'll be great," Cleo says and Simon nods.

"That sounds pretty good," Simon comments before glancing towards his mum, "Hey, how would you like to come to dinner?"

"Urm, yeah, sure, if your mum doesn't mind that is," Cleo smiles softly and Simon nods.

"She won't, in fact, she's probably already guessed I'd invite you," Simon says, "Head out of the stands and I'll meet you outside,"

"Cool," Cleo smiles before making her way towards the exit. Simon does the same, gesturing for his mother to leave too. Simon says bye to some of his team mates as he leaves the pitch and he glances around for Cleo, finding her stood beside his mother chatting to her.

Simon smiles before walking over, "There you are,"

Cleo smiles at him and says, "Your mum said dinner is fine,"

"Great, thats great, shall we go then?" Simon smiles and Cleo and his mother nod, walking towards the car.

The journey to Simon's house is spent in a comfortable silence, the only noise that of the radio. Once they'd gotten back to Simon's house Simon had lead Cleo to his room, leaving his mother to start the dinner.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Simon says as he opens the door.

Cleo steps inside and can't help but notice the trophies for football on a shelf above his desk and his walks covered in football posters or band posters.

"Your room is pretty cool," Cleo remarks as Simon gestures for her to sit on the bed beside him.

She does as he wishes and Simon sends her a warm smile.

"I'm sorry about what happened between us, I just...At the time I thought what your parents were saying to me was right," Simon says and Cleo nods.

"I get it," She says calmly, whenever she thought about it, she thought about how it made her angry.

"So can we work through this...?" Simon asks and Cleo looks at her feet and back to Simon.

"I don't know," She whispers and Simon places his hand on her leg, she gulps as she looks up at him, "I feel like...I feel like one of us will just end up heartbroken, and if not one, both,"


"No buts, its just the truth," Cleo says and Simon lifts his hand from her leg and places it under her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"I love you, is that so hard for you to understand?" He asks and she shrugs.

"I love you too, but I can't do this right now," Cleo says and Simon looks her in the eyes.

"Swear to me," He says, he looks away and back, "Swear to me that this isn't my fault,"

"Simon, this is no ones fault," She says and his fingers drop from her chin and he stands up and walks away.

"I think I'll love you forever," He whispers and Cleo stands up and walks up to him, putting her hand on his arm, he twitches as he glances at her.

"And I'll love you forever," She says, and she presses a soft kiss against his cheek, "But somethings just aren't meant to be,"

"But me and you are meant to be," He says, "Have you not heard the laws of attraction? Opposites attract,"

"Thats what kids believe in, we're not kids anymore," She says and Simon just sighs.

"Go," He says and Cleo frowns, "Just leave, if you don't want to be here then just fucking go,"

"Simon, I-"

"You said we're not meant to be, so just leave," Simon mutters and Cleo nods at him.


That was the last word Simon Minter heard Cleo Lewis say, it was the last thing that sweet voiced girl ever whispered to him. He can remember it clear as day. But he always knew it, someone so pure and innocent could never be with someone so



decided to say fuck it and just post it.

an authors note will follow tomorrow, but for now:

thank you so so much for the continued love and support over here on this book!

much love to the most Savage fam on Wattpad!


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