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Cleo looked at the food in front of her with a blank expression, her mother sat opposite, a worried look on her face as her daughter pushed the food around her plate

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Cleo looked at the food in front of her with a blank expression, her mother sat opposite, a worried look on her face as her daughter pushed the food around her plate.

"Don't you like it?" Kathy asks and Cleo shrugs.

She'd be thinking about how to approach her parents for days about what they made Simon do, but she didn't know whether she should even bother with it. Her and Simon were polar opposites. They were never meant to be.

"I'm not hungry," Cleo finally mutters, pushing her plate towards her mother and father.

"You've been kinda...different the last few days?" George asks, glancing towards his son who was looking at Cleo.

"Yeah...Just thinking things over, wondering if people have been being honest with me," Cleo says, glancing towards Harry, a warning to him that she was about to finally question her parents methods.

"Oh," Kathy mutters, looking at her husband, "And who might these people be?"

"You," Cleo says, her eyes lifting to look up at her parents.

Her father's eyebrows raise and Kathy's furrow.

"I don't quite understand?" Her father asks.

"I think you do...Both of you do," Cleo says and Kathy reaches her hand out towards her daughters but Cleo pulls back her hand quickly, looking at Harry.

"I didn't realise you two could be so mean as to tell Simon to break up with me, it doesn't matter anymore, because whats done is done, but you ruined everything for me,"

"That boy was a waste of space! He's evil in the shape of a man," George says and Cleo stands up, her chair clatters to the floor.

"If anyone is evil, its you," Cleo says, "I finally have something good in my life, something I love and you had to go and tear it all down for me, because I can never be happy,"

"No, sweetheart, thats not what we want-"

"Then why make Simon break up with her? You're both liars!" Harry says, standing up as well.

The two of them head upstairs, away from the people that called themselves parents.

"Cleo, I think we should move out, get a place together?" Harry suggests and Cleo's eyebrows furrow.

"How can we afford it?" Cleo asks as they stand outside Harry's bedroom door.

"I was thinking we could ask Auntie Jo?" Harry suggests.

Their aunt Jo was a big time landlord and she bought and rented houses and apartments to people.

"Oh...Good idea, she might have some place for us to stay, and if not, we could always stay with her and Uncle Todd?" Cleo says and Harry nods.

"Our parents have messed us about too much- dragging me out of sixth form and forcing me to work with Dad and then doing all the shit they did with Simon- its horrible," Harry says and Cleo nods.

"I agree, we should leave, that'll show them what they've done better than...Trashing the house or something," Cleo says and Harry smiles.

"Should we pack a suitcase and backpack each? I can call us a taxi and we can go straight to Aunt Jo's," Harry says and Cleo nods in agreement.

The two separate into their rooms and begin shoving things into suitcases and backpacks. It takes them 20 minutes to grab what they need and in that time Harry has called a taxi too. They quietly get the suitcases downstairs, and then Harry moves them out onto the driveway. Cleo passes Harry his backpack as the taxi driver moves the suitcases into his car.

"I'm going out!" Cleo calls before closing the door behind her and rushing to the taxi. She climbs inside and buckles her seatbelt as Harry tells the driver where to go.

"I'll call Aunt Jo and let her know we're coming," Harry says and Cleo nods.

"Great, honestly, I'm glad we're out of there," Cleo mutters and the driver looks confused, but doesn't ask questions as he drives.

It'd been 4 days since Cleo and Harry had moved out, they had to share a room due to it being a three bedroomed house and their cousin Candice took up one of those rooms, and Aunt Jo and Uncle Todd obviously had one too.

Cleo was sitting on the window sill, looking out at the rain, she liked the rain, it soothed her mostly, she liked the sound it made as it hit the windowpane.

"Hey, I was wondering, what did you mean when you said to Mum it didn't matter anymore that you and Simon had broken up?" Harry asks from his bed, he'd been sitting there playing a game on his phone.

"Me and Simon aren't gonna get back together, it'll never work, I know it won't," Cleo says and Harry frowns.

"I think you should at least go and talk to him? I have his mum's number, you could call her and ask when he'd be free or something?" Harry says and Cleo shrugs.

Harry picks up a pen and paper off of the sideboard and writes down the number from his contact list.

"Here," Harry says, he puts it on Cleo's bed, "I'm gonna' go and watch tv downstairs, you coming?"

"Nah, I'll stay here," Cleo says, sending her brother a smile.

"Alright," Harry says as he opens the door.

"Harry!" Cleo calls out and he puts his head round the door, "Thank you,"

"For what?" He asks and Cleo smiles.

"For being the best brother ever?" She laughs and Harry grins, he walks back into the bedroom and pulls his sister into a hug.

"You're such a sap," He laughs and Cleo smacks his arm playfully.

"Shut up," She says, ruffling his hair before pushing him back, "Go watch your tv,"

"Later loser," He says, still smiling as he leaves the room and heads downstairs.

Cleo smiled towards the door before looking back outside. She wondered if seeing Simon again would do either of them any good, or would it just make it all worse?

She stands up and picks up her phone off her night stand. She opens it up and dials the number Harry left her.

"Hello? Is this Simon's mother?" Cleo asks, theres a momentary silence.

"It is, please tell me he's not in trouble again?" She asks back.

"No," Cleo laughs, "Its Cleo Lewis, and if anyones in trouble, its me,"


So that is the last chapter, do not worry, there is still an epilogue which will be out tomorrow!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed

much love to the most Savage fam on Wattpad!


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