|8| worried

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"i still hate you but we need to get the project done sooner so i can stop seeing your cow face."


"u mad this is the third girl in two weeks?"


"god, shut up, aiden!"


"i could pull more but it seems u got shy after tammy. sucks"


"what the fuck is even wrong with you! you're like a fuckboy but lesbian! how do these girls never find out, jesus christ! you're a monster!"


"well im not the one going after three girls in two weeks :-////"


"shut up!"


"if u only u werent so lonely :-/////"


"aiden, i swear."


"dont even fucking at me u bitch"


"i told u not to test me"


"and guess what u did"


"dont b fuckin pissed cause u asked for it"


"if u werent such a fucking pussy youd have a girlfriend"


"i guess i did ask for it."


"to go for show, im not lesbian or bi or staight. im pansexual and if u dare make fun of my sexuality, then u'll end up like jenny the skank rune."


"i'm sorry aiden."


"yeah whatever"


"i'll do the essay and u do the slide show bullshit so we wont see each other"




"i'm sorry"

Read at 6:32pm

liam wouldn't eat dinner. he didn't shower. he didn't study. he didn't even do the presentation thing like she asked. he laid in bed and he didn't sleep.

there was a bad feeling in his chest and it drove him insane. what could possibly be bothering him so much?

it wasn't until the clock in the hallway struck twelve that liam had enough.

he couldn't knock on aiden's door because it was late and her parents were hopefully sleeping. he went around to their backyard and found a rope ladder hanging from a window.

goddammit aiden.

she was sleeping soundly on the floor of her room, still in her day clothes. tight jeans and a button-up that was slightly too big. curled up into a ball next to her brightly lit laptop, she looked like a lost puppy.

liam closed the window and locked her door, scooping her up and gently placing her in her bed. she wasn't a light sleeper, but she wasn't a heavy one either. he went to shut down her laptop when he saw she had written 'i hate liam' only about a couple dozen times with the essay for the project in the next tab. he saved them both and booted it down before changing her out of her clothes.

he didn't want to look through her closet, so he pulled his t-shirt off and over her head, flopping on the left side of her bed. he kept his joggers on like last time. she stirred a bit, startling liam but she soon fell asleep as she snuggled into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. liam couldn't help but smile.

he carefully covered them both with the duvet and in less than five minutes, the girl he thought he hated coaxed him into a gentle slumber.

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