Kanato's Wax Figures

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I still couldn't get that dream out of my head. Every time I think about it, I still remember seeing my brother and my parents for the very last time before the fire happened. It was raining outside and I wore (F/c) hoodie, (F/c) tank top with a skull on the front, my dog tags, fingerless leather gloves, (F/c) skinny jeans and combat boots.

I was sitting on one of the windowsills of the hallways while watching the rain.

'I still can't get that dream out of my head, every time I watch that memory,  I can still hear the sounds of the flames crackling and the sound of the beams of the house breaking as well...now that I think about it, the anniversary of their deaths will be coming up next month...'


I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kanato called out to me.

"Huh? oh hi, Kanato."

"What's the matter with you? it's not like you to have your head in the clouds."

I looked out of the window again and I explained to Kanato about the nightmare I had. Kanato sat down next to me on the window sill with a surprised look on his face.

"That must have been horrible for you."

"Yeah, I still can't that dream out of my head it still haunts since that fateful night, to tell you the truth, I sometimes feel like I'm responsible for their deaths."

Kanato looked at me surprised.


"Because I feel like I didn't try hard enough to find and rescue Toby, I was supposed to be the responsible sister he looked up to and the loving and caring daughter to my parents but I feel like I've let them down."

Kanato smiled and he placed his hand on top of mine with a smile on his face.

"Don't feel like that, it's not like you, whatever happened to that sadistic and caring woman my brothers and I met?"

I looked at Kanato surprised and I smiled at him.

"You're right, I guess I'm just thinking too much about the past, I need to go and do something to distract myself."

"I think I know what might help, follow me."

Kanato said as he got off the window sill and I followed after him. After following Kanato for a while, we were in a large room that was filled with wax dolls wearing bridal dresses. I looked at them and I noticed how real they looked.

"Wax figures? Kanato why-"

"Teddy and I perk up when we come here, isn't that right Teddy?"

I looked at them some more and I looked at Kanato again.

"So you come down here to perk up or cheer up?"

"Yeah, I thought maybe it should help you as well."

I looked at the wax figures and I sweat dropped a little.

"Well, I'll admit they've got beautiful dresses but too be honest, they look a little too real and that's kinda creeping me out a little, I only wish that they were cute as Teddy."

"I do realise that Teddy is the cutest of them all, but, in terms of soullessness, Teddy is just like them."

I stopped in my tracks when Kanato said this and that was when I realised something else. I looked at one of the wax figures next to me and I looked at Kanato again.

"Uh, Kanato, don't get angry if I asked you this but, by any chance, these wax figures, were they...human beings?"

Kanato grinned when I asked him this.

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