~2~ Caramel Girl and Cameron

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Chapter 2 - Caramel Girl and Cameron

The next morning getting up was the last thing off my mind but I had to get up and face school. So I get up of my warm cosy bed and go into the bathroom to catch a shower.

The weather outside this morning looked like it was brightening up, which was a good thing because it was March and it was meant to be spring.

I had my shower and got changed into my uniform putting my skirt on and changing my tights to long black socks and tucking my polo top into my skirt and putting my cardigan on.

I sit down at my dresser and dry my hair letting my curly locks fall naturally and putting some hairspray on so they stay like that, then I put some dark blue mascara on and blue eyeliner then some neutral foundation.

 I grab my bag which I had took upstairs with me yesterday when I came to bed and checked if I needed anything for today’s lessons which was no expect some chocolate for food tech. Crap I mutter.

“Mother” I shout.

“What” she shouts back.

I couldn’t be bothered shouting anymore so I went go to find her in the house. It’s probably why I end up having a headache. She was downstairs doing the dishes from last night, we had takeaway but used our plates because we didn’t have our cooker delivered yet.

“I need you to drop me to the shop on the way to school to get chocolate bar for food tech” I say.

“Okay, that’s no problem” she says finishing off washing the plate and pulling out the plug.

“So are you ready to go” I ask her.

“Not yet, it’s only 7:30 what’s the rush” she says.

“At 7:30 yesterday you were rushing me around to get up when I was already up” I say.

“Yeah, because I was getting you up and ready so you could get used to it” she says.

“Well I am used to it” I say 

“That makes a change then” she says “Well I need to go and get ready for work” she walks off out of the kitchen and disappears upstairs.

I make myself a bowl of cereal and eat it, another 10minutes later my mums comes down. She tells me about how long I take to get ready but Christ she takes ages too.

“About time” I say to her.

“Yeah, it’s a good film that” she says being sarcastic.

“Ha-ha, funny mum” I say “You ready now” I ask her.

“Yeah already time to go” she says grabbing her keys and her bag of the worktop. 

“Okay then” I put my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the kitchen following my mum.

We get into the car and I text Lena to say I will be about 5mins late because I was going the shop to get chocolate for my food tech.

She texted back saying, okay no problem will be by the baguette bar x

I have all my lessons in reverse as yesterday so I have maths first then food tech. Strange I know pretty sure I go to a strange school now.

We go to the nearest corner shop, I run in to get a 250g Cadbury’s chocolate bar, I pay the man and run back out again.

I get into the car and put the chocolate in my bag and put my seat belt back on, my mum starts to drive again.

Not long until we get to the school might actually start walking it with Lena if it’s going to brighten up. My mum drops me off outside the gates again and says bye. I reply back with bye too.

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