~8~ So now you're calling it a Date?

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Chapter 8 – So now you're calling it a Date?

   It was Saturday, date day with Cameron but I'll talk about that after. Yesterday I went for coffee after school with Michael, it went well. He bought me my Choco mocha latte.

  We talked about near enough everything although he kept his family short a simple that he lived at home with his dad.  I told him about my dad dying in a car crash when I was younger and how I have lived with my mum since I was little.

   I told him that I moved from North London to the South. He was the one asking all the questions like my favourite food, my favourite drink in which I told him I was drinking it right now and he smiled, sparkly teeth smile. I asked him the same questions after. Even one about the music and you never guess what!! He plays the guitar, I love boys who play the guitar.

  In which I told him and he said he would play me a tune next time he brings it to school. I got excited he told me to calm down and it got to about 6 and the coffee shop was closing.

  So last night I had a good night with Michael. Now to focus on tonight.

I am going on a date with Cameron Jones.

Now Cameron Jones was your ordinary player boy, the looks, the charm and the charisma. I heard many people thought he was camp until he started sleeping with nearly every girl in the school.

But since I came to the school he has been struck on me, whenever he has the chance he is right by my side. I mean he is the kindest boy out there but can get in your face a bit.

Why I agreed to this date, I don't know... Wait a minute I know because Lena told me to give him a chance to prove himself to me. How gentlemen he can be, how he is when were together.

It is only 11:30 in the morning and I have been up since 8:30 wondering what to wear and I give up. I call over Lena and Lauren to see if they can help.

"Hey" they both say bouncing into my bedroom. "John let us in and told us you were sulking in your bedroom" Lauren says smirking.

"Do they know you're going on a date?" Lena asks me.

"Yes" I say. I remember telling my mum last night when I got home.

"Well my mum does, I assume if John's here he knows too" I say.

"Your mum and him getting quite serious then" Lauren points out.

"Yeah, I'm happy for them both. He stays over most nights now which I haven't got a problem with. It's nice to see my mother happy" I say.

"Good, now what's the problem with you" Lauren asks.

"Look in my wardrobe and find something for me to wear because I sure can't" I say to her.

"Hmmm, what about this?" she holds up a pink dress with sequins on it.

"No, I wore that to the date with my mum and John" I moan.

"Okay then" she says looking through my wardrobe and my draws.

She pulls out some green skinny jeans and a checked shirt. "What about this, wear with a pair of converses?" she suggests.

"Lau, I'm going on a date not out for a coffee" I say and laugh.

"True, well we will need to go shopping if your determined that there is nothing in that wardrobe you want to wear for your date" she grins.

Lauren loves shopping there isn't anything more she does love then Joey of course but shopping is her hobby and drags me out whenever she has the chance.

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