~4~ Mum You Said Handsome Not Thor

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Chapter 4 – Mum you said Handsome not Thor!

Last lesson finally came along and I was slightly looking forward to meeting this John Green my mother was on about, I think she really likes him so I will make a good impression.

I want my mother to be happy and if that means dating and this is the man she wants to date then that’s her choice.

We were in maths, Lauren, Cameron, Joey and Sophie sitting around our table laughing and joking about what happened at lunch.

These two kids in year nine had a fight because they called each other the N word and they were ‘dissing’ each other. It was pretty stupid they should be mature by now.

We were supposed to be doing work on frequency polygon graphs but we were still talking about what actually went on, after a while Cameron turned to me and said “About this morning”

“Hey don’t worry about it” I said.

“No, I want to make it up to you” he says.

“Well you don’t have to” I say.

“No, want to come out tomorrow for a coffee” he asks me.

“Yeah okay, what time?”

“Around 12ish then we could go for lunch” he says.

“Yeah okay then, let’s just hope its nice weather eh” I say.

He laughs and I join him. “Yeah let’s hope” he says smiling at him.

The bell rings signalling the end of class and the end of the day. I hug Lauren, Joey and Cameron and tell them “I will see you Monday and you” I say to Cameron “I’ll see you tomorrow” I wink at him and he grins.

We walk out on to the yard and Lena comes up to me and says “Want a lift”

“Yeah that would be great thanks”. We walk out of the gate and down the road a bit too where Lena’s mum is parked we get in and I say hi to Lena’s mum as she waits for us to get our seat belts on.

She drops me in my drive even though I protest, Lena’s mum just parks up without a choice. I open the door and say thank you and closed the car door again.

I walk over to the porch and hunt for my keys in my bag taking out my phone and a few books to get them, I really need to put them in a pocket in my bag.

I get the keys and open the door with them, wave goodbye to Lena who waves to me like mad. I laugh and keep waving as well until she disappears out of sight.

I walk in and make my way up the stairs to my room, stripping off and jumping into the shower, yes I had a shower this morning and washed my hair but it is now soaking wet and messed up.

While I’m in the shower I think about my first week in a new school with new people I have met, I already have a funny group of friends.

Also, I saw the blonde shaggy hair dude today he was looking hot. We was outside today eating his lunch under the shelter, we were sitting a few tables behind him.

Laughing and joking like we always do. I wanted to go up to him, wanted to get to know him a bit more. I was quite checking him out and he would occasionally turn around and then I would look down to the table and grin I know he seen me grinning.

I wash through my hair with shampoo and conditioner then wash it all off with hot water, running down my bag, meanwhile I was in the shower I heard the front door slam shut.

My guesses were my mum, which were right considering that’s the only person who would come into our house. “Chloe” I hear her shout.

"Yeah” I shout back.

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