~9~ The truth comes out

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Chapter 9 – The truth comes out

 I quietly open the door and creep inside.

 “Chloe” I hear my mum say.

 “No it’s the grim ripper” I mock back.

 “Have a good time?” she asks.

 “Yes, it was wonderful” I say, because it really was.

 “So what did you have to eat?”

 “You know the usual”

 “So the double cheese burger with large portion of fries and a milkshake” she says smiling.

 “Mum, we went to a restaurant not McDonalds” I grin. “Never share that with anyone”

 She smiles and I look over at John to have fallen asleep on the sofa next to her.

 “He had a long day” I say as I nod towards him.

 “Yeah, something like that” she says.

 “Well, I’m gonna go off to bed so night” I say walk over and give her a hug.

 “Goodnight sweetheart”

 “Don’t let the bed bugs bite” I say in my head as it reminded me of what my dad use to say.

 As I go up to my room and get changed out of the dress and into my PJ’s I get a text. I look at my phone and realise it’s from Cameron.

 Had a good time tonight, should do it again Night x Cam.

 Yeah, sure thing night x Chloe

Waking up the next morning with a smile on my face wasn’t a new thing to me anymore, I was stuck in-between A Blonde Shaggy Hair Dude named Michael and a full of him self jerk who is proper cute.

 Whose life could get any better?

 It is about 9:30 on a Sunday morning so I decide to put on my jogging pants and short strapped top and go for a morning jog.

 With my ear phones in my phone and in my ears I put my phone in the pocket of my jogging pants and start off with a slow paced jog.

 As the music plays in my ears and my legs get the hang of the run I speed up a bit, going around the block and then head up by the library still running, sweat dripping from my head.

 Around the Library and back again the other way I slow down a bit and take the earphones out. I slowly walk to get my breath up and cross the road.

 As I take in my surroundings I hear what seems 2 boys arguing, I walk a bit faster than slow down when I realise who it is. You will never guess.

 Michael and Cameron in the front yard shouting at each other.

 Cameron and Michael don’t speak to each other, far as I know they don’t know each other. But what I do know is they both really like me and seem to be arguing, arguing over me.

 I come to a stop, when I have heard enough. I look over at them but they still seem to be at each other. Is anyone going to stop this?

 Finally a man comes out of the house and tells them both to shut up and tell them that they are making a fool of themselves and creating a show. He looks over at me and they turn their heads with shock.

 Cameron shoves Michael and begins to walk over to me, but I’m gone pumping my legs as hard as I can their words creep into my head.

 “She’s way to pretty for you” Cameron says.

 “Yeah well she deserves better than a walk around slut opener” Michael shouts back.

 “I’m not like that anymore and I actually like her” He shouts back.

 “That’s not what I saw when a girl walked out of the house 5am this morning” Michael says back.

 That’s what hurt me the most, we had shared a lovely night last night and he goes and ruins it by sleeping with a slut.

 As I get by my house I realise I am in tears, why I don’t know, actually I do know. The two guys who I am really close to are fighting and especially over me.

 I didn’t even know they lived together, I didn’t even know they actually knew each other.

 They have both got a lot of apologising to do.

 Cameron was going to explain. My voice in my head tells me.

 I open my door and run up to my room, I didn’t want to be seen like this. Sweaty and in tears. I walk into my bathroom and jump in the shower.

 An hour later, I am in my Sunday sweats and on the sofa in the living room on the phone to Lauren.

 “He said what” Lauren says.

 “He said that I deserve better than a slut opener” I said now thinking of it I laughed.

 She laughed too. “He’s true Chloe”

 “I know” I sighed.

 “I gotta go now, Mum wants me” she says.


 “We’ll sort it out, I promise” she says before the phone goes dead.

Sorry I havent posted for a while, School has been hectic and I havent been feeling like writing but I am back and ready for writing again. Hope you enjoyed

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