~7~ Jealously is on the Horizon

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Chapter 7 – Jealously is on the Horizon

I woke up Friday morning, bright light flashing through my curtains. Which caused my eyes to squint. I roll over in bed and checked the time on my clock 7:50 which meant I was going to be late.

"Great" I mumbled.

I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes then flopped back down again. There was a knock on my door after a second my mum says softly "Chloe, Love you're going to be late for school".

She pushes the door open and comes and sits on the end of my bed. "I don't feel well" I say to her.

"Don't pull that card with me misses" she says.

"I'm not" I moan.

"I'm not having it, get up now or you will be walking" my mum says shutting my door behind her.

I roll out of bed and end up on the floor, Ouch!

I stroll over to my bathroom to get ready for school.


I get out the shower at 8:10, so I rush to dry my hair and get dressed. Forgetting to put make up on but shoving foundation and mascara in my bag, which I'll do in the car.

I grab my bag and put on my shoes and run down the stairs shouting "Coming" to my mum who is about close the door.

"Finally, you're going to be late and I am" she says ushering me through the door. We make it to the school seconds before the bell rings, Lena, Lauren, Joey and Cameron all there waiting at the gate.

"Hey guys" I say walking through the gate.

"Hey" they all reply.

"Well, I got English" I say. Lena and Cameron say "Same".

"Awh I got textiles" Lauren moans.

"And I got carpentry" Joey moans.

"Awh poor you two" I say hugging them.

"See you in tut" I say over my shoulder walking with Cam on my right and Lena on my left.

"Bye Guys" I hear them both say.

I go into the bathroom before we go to English to see if I look presentable because I know Michael shares English with me. "You look beautiful Chloe" Lena says to me. "I know but still gotta check" I say poking my tongue out at her.

We walk out and Cameron is slouched outside the toilets, "Girls and their faces' huh" he says shaking his head. "You'll learn when you get a girlfriend Cam"

"Well, I'm trying" he kisses my cheek and walks off to English, Lena and I following him behind.

"He really likes you Chlo" Lena says.

"I know L" I say and shrug my shoulders, "what can I do?"

We walk into English and Michael is in his seat, I walk past him to my seat and smile at him and he sneakily passes me a note. I go to my seat and Lena following behind me.

I set my books out on the table and open up the note

Come for a coffee, after school? Xo Mike.

He has such nice handwriting. Like a doctor kind of writing. Lena tried to peek but I folded it back up and pointed at Mrs. White that had just walked in. She scowls but looks up at the teacher.

After English we were on our way to History, Lena still pissed with me about the note. I don't see why it wasn't any of her business. I went past my locker on the way there and Michael was stood next to his.

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