~10~ Forgiving Takes Time

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Chapter 10 - Forgiving takes time

Its Monday morning and I have just woke up with a banging headache. I make my way downstairs and get a glass of water and some tablets from the cupboard while I do this I put on the kettle and pop toast in the toaster.

"Morning Chloe" my mother says walking into the kitchen.

"Morning mother, cup of tea?" I ask her.

"Yes, John will have one too"

"Stayed the night again eh?" I say to her winking.

"Chloe" she says prolonging the 'e'

"Mum, don't need to explain yourself to me" I say and smile.

"Awh Chloe you are really grown up, sometimes I just forget you know to me you're still my little girl"

"Except my hair isn't in ponytails anymore" I poke my tongue out at her and butter my toast.

As I sit down at the table my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Chloe, Listen I have given you yesterday and last night to forget what has been said, I know that isn't enough time but I'm sorry x - C

I read the text and put the phone back in my pocket.

"What's up" My mum notices my sudden change in face expression.

"Weelll" I begin.

"Good morning, my beautiful girlies" John says coming in the kitchen.

"Never mind" I say I shake my head, finish my toast and go upstairs to get dressed.

As I put on my blue blouse and dark blue demin jeans, my phone vibrates again on my dresser. I button up my jeans and walk over to my phone which is sitting on my books for today.

Sorry about yesterday, Mike x

Mixed opinions from the both of them, Cameron seems really genuine where Michael seems just sorry, maybe I need to give them a chance to speak to me and there may be a story behind this because there is a story behind everything.

I put on my socks and my new black biker boots. Sit on my chair to my dresser and sort out my mop of hair, I brush it through and put it up in a loose bun with strands down the side of my face

Put on my neutral make up and a bit of pink lip gloss. Grab my bag and a scarf to tie around my neck. Also my phone and headphones.

I make my way down the stairs when the doorbell goes. I make it to the bottom of the stairs and open the door. It's Cameron.

"What do you want" I ask.

"Chloe, please" he pleads.

"Every heard of forgiving takes time?"

"No... Yes... Oh Chloe I don't know"

"Just some more time please" I close the door on his face.

I walk into the living room to see the news channel on again, showing the weather. 'Rain across south part of London today from 9am to 4pm looks like it's going to be a horrible day out there.' The weather man says on the telly.

"Great" I mumble.

I walk back into the kitchen to say goodbye to my mother and John.

"Chloe" I hear as I turn to walk out.


"Who was that at the door?"

"Just some inconsiderate twat" I said and walked out.

"Chloe" my mum streaks. I turn. "Language"

"Sorry, see you later" I say picking up the umbrella and a jumper of the coats rack.

As I get out of my street and start walking down the long stretch of another one I hear a whistle could I ever guess who it is. I turn my head and regret it straight away.


He runs up behind me and slows down as he walks in stride with me. "What do you want? already had your brother knocking at my door this morning"

"Step brother for your information"

"Well, it's nice to know now at least" sarcasm running through my lips.

"No need for that"

"What, every right for there a need to say that. I've known you for about 7-8months and you haven't told me you were brothers. You haven't told anyone that you were brothers!"

"Step brothers!"

"Okay, it's clear you don't like each other but don't fight over me" I walk on ahead but he catches up.

"Chloe please just forgive me"

"I will repeat this once more, Forgiving takes time" I say and turn the corner to go on the next stretch till I get to the school.

Once I'm at the school gates I meet Lauren and Lena. "Hey" they greet me with a smile and a hug. Noticing Michael not that far behind me and look at me with curious eyes.

"Just leave it girls, please for now"

"Alright" Lauren says.

"But it doesn't finish there" Lena finishes.

As we get inside the school and walk to our lockers. "You know I have had both of them at me this morning already"

"Really" Lauren says.

"Yeah Cameron came to my house and then Michael on the way to school"

"They both really are sorry then" Lena says.

"Seems that way but only makes it worse for me, who do I like more and
should I like either of them?"

Havent uploaded in ages, for that I am really sorry. My laptops been broke and my phone is too so only got a crappy little one.

Should be back on track soon!

Sorry again

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