10:17 pm

115 17 6

I am angry,

Angry at this generation,

Angry that I live in a world full of wickedness,

Angry that I live in a world where I earn less because I'm a woman,

Angry that I live in a world where I am thought of as not equal to the man,

In a world where people think it's ok for a man to strike a woman,

In a world where people think it's funny and "great man" that a man beat up a woman,

Disgusted that I live in a world where people give excuses for men who rape women.

Disgusted to live in a world where the man has this delusional notion that as a woman I am inferior to him,

Angry at this culture,

Angry at this culture that tries to make me feel ashamed of the color of my skin,

Angry at this culture that tries to make me ashamed of my motherland and my mother tongue,

Angry at this culture that gives room to people who hate me because of the color of my skin,

This culture that allows a stranger to judge me and tag me as "an angry black woman",

I am disturbed,

Disturbed that I live in a loveless generation,

People killing their fellow human beings,

People are chopped up and eaten,

People are being raped and robbed of all their belongings,

People are dying of hunger and poverty,

And yet we sit and cross our arms and worry about what to caption our next Instagram selfie.

I am disgusted to be surrounded by such hatred,

Disgusted that it's ok for an old lady to call a young woman an "ugly black b****",

Disgusted that a father can give excuses for his sons evil,

I am frustrated,

Frustrated to live in a time of endless possibilities and still be held back,

Held back because of my gender,

Held back because of my race,

I am tired. 


Hey y'all. Thanks for checking out my compilation of poems. Share with your friends and check out my personal blog link in my bio.

I hope this compilation of poems helps some other introverted, insecure girl/boy find him/herself. Love you beautiful people. 

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