Chapter 3 - Tell me who you are

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Jimin landed next to you after he stumbled because a hard fist hit his jaw. Dazed he placed his hand at his mouth corner. He could feel a warm liquid trickle over his lips. He convulsed his face in pain and squinted above, where Suga was bowing over him.

He grabbed him by his collar harshly and faced him.

You and Jimin were waiting for what he would say. But Suga closed his mouth again and shook his head as if the words wouldn't be worth it.

He seemed disappointed but also furious about him.

Then his fist hit Jimin a second time.

Jimin writhed himself while holding his face in pain but Suga only looked at him in desperation, ready to beat him again.

Slowly your view began to get blurry.

Confused you touched your forehead and squint your eyes. -What is wrong with me?-

As you opened your eyes again you saw nothing anymore. Your view was pitch black and your ears didn't seem to work anymore. You were caught in a silent black whole until you passed out completely.


A bright light was blinding you.

-Am I in heaven?-

You squinted your eyes that hurt because of the whiteness and lifted your arm over them, to shut the light.

It worked. The brightness disappeared slowly and in front of your eyes, you could see an unfamiliar room. Dazed you looked around you. -Where the hell am I?!-

You lifted yourself up and realized you were laying in the bed of someone else.

This caused a shock inside of you and you were about to jump out of the bed. But a strong pain popped up in your head.

You groaned and rubbed your forehead.

???: "Ah, you're awake."

The voice caused you a second shock. You were in a unfamiliar room, in a stranger's bed and you weren't alone. -Should that calm you or not?-

You looked in the direction where the voice was coming from.

Suga was sitting on his laptop and looked back at you over his shoulder.

You: "What.. where...why.. I mean what happened?!"

You looked at him in confusion. You didn't understand anything.

You tried to remember yourself how you were getting into here but your mind didn't show any memories.

Suga: "I would say you chose an unsuitable time to take a nap."

It was the first time you saw him lightly smiling. Or was it just your imagination?

You blinked still confused. Was your head pranking you?

You: "I haven't slept!"

You justify yourself and took a second try to leave the bed.

But you hesitated again as you seemed to lose your balance, as you stood on your feet again.

Suga: "Hey, take care. I don't want to have a foreign half dead girl in my bed again."

He seemed to notice your weakness.

-Damn was this guy selfish..-

You flashed him a glare as your view got clearer again.

You: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

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