Chapter 4 - His facade

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Yoongi's View ------------------ 2 days later

Yoongi was about to take his schoolbooks out of his locker, as someone shouted his name. One of his friends bounced towards him in excitement, while the other four followed him. But in contrast to the hyperactive boy, they strolled cool forward.

Taehyung: "Yoongi-ahh! Did you see the girl over there?"

The boy was pointing in the direction, where the new student was standing. But it was too crowded to see what he wanted to show.

Yoongi: "Do I look like I would care?"

He was annoyed by his friend.

Taehyung: "But she seems pretty cute! You have to see her! You will like her."

Yoongi: "The answer is no."

Taehyung: "Ahh come on, Hyung. I'm sure we could have fun with her! I hope she will sit next to me."

Jungkook: "Or next to me."

His other friend stepped out of the group with a bright smile on his face.

Yoongi sighed and looked back inside his locker, pretending to ignore these two.

But the guy who acted like a monkey on a stick suddenly shut his locker door and took his books.

He grabbed Yoongi by his wrist and dragged him with him towards the crowd.

Yoongi: "Boy, you already getting on my nerves! It's Monday morning, so let me live in peace!"

His friend didn't answer him. Instead, he searched a way through the crowd.

As he suddenly stopped, Yoongi nearly bumped into him. But his eyes widened, as he saw who the new student was.

-She again?!-

------------------ Your View

You were standing next to your new classroom, surrounded by tons of other students who looked at you like you would come from another planet. Obviously, it wasn't normal that a new student joined the school in the middle of the year.

Loud whispering was everywhere around you.

Teacher: "Guys!"

No one reacted to him.

Teacher: "Hey!"

Still, no one heard the teacher.

Teacher: "HEY EVERYONE!!"

Teacher: "Please calm down and go to your classrooms! I would like to start my lesson now."

Finally, the teacher reached everyone's attention. Slowly the crowd began to move and some students left the point of interest. Some others ignored his words and were still staring at you.

Teacher: "Taehyung, Jungkook. Would you also join us?"

The teacher led you inside the classroom and waited for the two students, who were missing until the class was complete. Then, he closed the door behind them.

You were standing next to the blackboard awkwardly, as he began to speak again.

Teacher: "Good morning, class 2A."

The whole room echoed a low 'Good morning' back but they all seemed really unmotivated.

Teacher: "At first, I would like to welcome our new student. She will be joining our class from now on. I'm sure you all will integrate her quickly."

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