Chapter 19 - Forgiveness

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[Author's Sidenote: I skipped Chapter 18 because this Chapter was a special one including mature content and without any story related things in it. So it's unnecessary to read and actually isn't really a part of the story. But if you like those love-making scenes then watch it on my YT Channel. Thanks~ ]

Monday evening. The guys were already back from class since a few hours. Taehyung and Hoseok needed one sofa per each to relax their burned-out bodies. Probably to gain the required energy to entertain the rest of the dorm later until late night. Well, at least a bit since their way to rest was a bit unlike the usual way and wouldn't be that much efficiently.

Taehyung played on his phone, giving his front camera silly faces and filling the phone's memory with his selcas. While on the other hand, Hoseok wiggled around with his whole body and tried to do some weird looking exercises or something like that. At least it looked pretty weird to Jin who wasn't thinking even a second about rest at all. His nervosity was the worst right now. But there was no way to calm him down and stop him from walking up and down the living room.

Jin: "Dude, how long will it take him until here?!"

His eyes landed on his phone to check the time or any possible messages several times but he didn't stop sneaking around like a tiger in a cage that ticked off anyone.

Taehyung: "Calm down already, you're causing everyone to become nervous as well."

After Tae ignored him for already 30 minutes, he couldn't stand his habit anymore.

He stopped what he was doing for a while to face Jin with a serious look.

Jin: "What if something happened? He should be here since 30 minutes."

Either Jin didn't really get what his dongsaeng was saying or he ignored him just as they did [..] the whole time before while he talked about his worries to himself.

Taehyung: "What should have happened to him?"

Finally, Tae responded to one of Jin's paranoid fears.

Maybe after that, Jin would notice what he was saying. At least he hoped he would finally stop with wandering around impatiently. It was low-key driving him crazy.

But the one who answered next wasn't Jin.

Hoseok: "You've recognized we're talking about Namjoon, right?"

Hoseok was stretching both of his legs into the air before he brought them down to his ears and glimpsed between them towards Taehyung to communicate.

At the sight of him, Taehyung immediately forgot the main theme since this performance looked just too weird in his eyes and flashed Hoseok an odd look.

Taehyung: "What exactly are you trying to do...?"

But this strange sunshine began to laugh boffo because of his own imagination of what his position must be looking like to others. He laughed and laughed because of his own silliness until his body was in a more or less healthy position again – apart from that he was in possible danger to fall from the sofa like this –.

Taehyung started to snicker as well but Jin, on the other hand, didn't even gave them a look.

Jin: "Right, he could have broken his foot while running onto the bus. I should have picked him up." he mumbled to himself again and let out a deep sigh, guessing that none of them would recognize it anyways.

But he was wrong. Taehyung noticed it and turned back to him again.

Taehyung: "Eomma, don't you care a little too much about him? He's a grown-up man."

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