Chapter 9 - Miracle needed

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-------------- Yoongis View

Yoongi stayed up until late night, as usual. He was laying on his bed as if his soul left his body and stared at the ceiling above him. A heavy sigh left his mouth but that was the only thing that distinguished him from a corpse.

His mind was a huge mess and those two girls won't disappear out of his head. Even if he tried to forget about them.

Jungkook: "Yoongi, when do you finally shut the light down? I can't sleep like this."

His friend's voice from the other side of the room sounded deep and sleepy. Jungkook was Yoongi's roommate. And he laid in his bed for more than two hours, trying to sleep.

Yoongi hesitantly got up from his bed.

Yoongi: "I need to do something."

He walked through the room towards the door.

Jungkook: "What?! But Hyung it's late, where are you going?!"

Jungkook turned his head and watched him confused.

But Yoongi suddenly just turned the light off and walked out of the room.

-What is wrong with that guy?! When he's sleeping you can only dream of waking him up successfully, but it is impossible that he falls asleep at a time he should.-


A powerful knock appeared at Namjoon's door.

Namjoon: "Who is it?"

He shouted surprised by the late visitor and turned towards the door. Luckily he hadn't a sleeping roommate yet, otherwise, he would have been awake now at the latest.

???: "Yoongi."

Namjoon looked confused at the door as the voice from his friend thrilled through it.

Yoongi: "Are you planning to finally open up or do you have 'visitors' with you?"

As Yoongi said this words, the door opened up and Namjoon appeared in his nightwear in the doorway.

Yoongi: "Cute."

Yoongi smirked at Namjoon and looked at his top which showed a teddy bear holding a heart.

Namjoon immediately covered the motive with his hands as Yoongi walked in and sat down on his bed. -Was that necessary?-

Namjoon: "And now what? You don't look like you would like to call some girls and start the party of the year now."

Yoongi: "I would neither advise you to do that in this...thing."

He was pointing at Namjoon's nightwear again and looked at him disappointed about his weird clothing style.

Namjoon: "Get to the point, Yoongi. Why are you here?"

Yoongi: "I have a serious problem."

Namjoon looked at him attentively and sat down next to him after he closed the door again.

Yoongi always came with his problems to him. And he was pleased if he could help his best friend. He always had an open ear for him. -Even if it's f*cking 4 a.m.-

Yoongi: "I can't stop thinking about her."

Yoongi mumbled bitterly. It was obvious that he didn't want to admit it.

Namjoon: "Who?"

Namjoon was still lost in confusion and earned another 'are you serious'-look from his friend.

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