Chapter 12 - The new member

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You pressed down the handle of the apartment door slowly and as quiet as you could and stepped into the living room, hoping no one will realize your return.

But right before Yoongi could enter after you, a torrent of water hit you out of a sudden and the sound of a fallen bucket sounded through the room. You stood there, frozen by the cold wetness and quite shocked about it, while you kept your eyes shut and gasped.

-What was that?!-

???: "IT'S A PRANK!"

Someone shouted excited which caused you to wipe off the water on your face angrily.

Taehyung stood behind a kitchen corner after he jumped out of his hiding spot. But his facial expression changed from amazed to surprised in less than a second, as he saw your dripping self standing there and balling your fists, nearly about to shout at him out of anger.

His jaw slowly dropped as he realized you weren't his subject. And panic hit him after his eyes recognized Yoongi who was standing behind you.

You: "YAH! Are you bloody stupid?! What's going on with you?!" 

You let it out finally and gritted your teeth while your stare was stabbing the boy in front of you, whose soul slowly seemed to leave his body. The color of Taehyung's skin went suddenly pale as he was realizing that he got himself into big trouble.

Taehyung: "I..I'm s-sorry.. It was not meant to turn out like this.."

You: "Duh! You have something to explain!"

You nearly screamed nervelessly.

Taehyung: "Actually I wanted to prank Jungkook. He should return from the basement in a little while.."

You rolled your eyes away and looked down at your wet clothes before you let out a heavy sigh.

In the meantime, Yoongi sent his friend a few death glares and was walking towards him.

Taehyung: "Hyung! I already said that I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I-I promise!"

Yoongi continued to walk closer towards Taehyung until he stood right in front of him. But even before he laid a hand on his friend, Taehyung collapsed at his feet, grabbed his neck while he shut his eyes as if he was in big pain and reached his arm out towards Yoongi.

Taehyung: "Hyuuuung! Let me live! I'm too young to die! Pleeeaaase! My flesh doesn't taste as good as I look, you don't have to kill me! Have mercy oh Min Yoongi.."

He whimpered playfully suffering while he slowly began to act as if he was about to die.

But Yoongi at the other hand looked down at him unimpressed.

???: "I'm back~."

You didn't expect the voice behind you and so didn't Yoongi and Taehyung. Because of it, all of you stop in your motions and turn your attention towards the entering door of the apartment.

Jungkook: "Did you took a shower with your clothes, Y/N?"

Jungkook's huge deer-eyes shifted down your body surprisingly. He nearly let those two bags in his hand drop at the sight of you.

???: "What is going on here?!"

Another voice appeared out of a sudden. But this time it came from the opposite side of the dorm.

Jin stood there, in front of his room, which he was coming out of. Also, his eyeballs seemed to nearly pop out of his face and you suddenly were worried he would faint in a second.

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